Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

How are the skill enhance attributes calculated? Does they become an additional percentage of the skill damage?


Lmao. I’m okay with this, Highlander was supposed to be the boss slayer in Swordsman tree anyway. At least it’s doing its job now.

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And the funny thing is people stack str because there is no other useful stat. Also the main damage still become from the weapon.

Highlander has always been good… What are you talking about?

? Same as above?

What kind of highlander builds have you guys been playing?

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you’re right, highlander is good. Now it is super good. Why would you leap to this kind of assumption? I didn’t even remotely hint at highlander not being good.

Sorry if this has been mentioned here already in previous posts, but are they removing Multishot’s quick charge attribute for good or is this just on the db website?

Yes, multishot now can be casted very quickly. Fixed 10 hits. The skill now only has the critical attribute (flat crit rate, not %).


Makes sense. Skills scaling with hitcount and charge time and % damage all at once would be ridic.

Oh thanks! That clears things up. Guess they were able to make Archer C2 less compulsory, especially when going the Rogue or Wugu route.

I’ve been coming up with interesting builds in mind but I’ll just leave the worrying later when everything’s finalized.

hey there boys and girls so how’s the game doing?

i’ve decided to give this game another shot since im effin jobless atm :sunglasses:
too lazy to back read from 2k - present posts can someone please give me a summary of what’s new and what’s coming, besides the rebalance + reset news also i’ve read something about the storage being accessible without token do we have it here now?

btw i quit last 10/16 /16.


The best state.

As of now, the only change worth visiting would be hunting grounds (HG) to twink out your alts with.

Later (you know what “soon” means here right) we get everything revamped with a combat over haul.

Actually if you want much crit rate on your archer build, Archer 2 is kind of must-have since the attribute of swift step gives 100 crit rate. By the way, multishot lv5 has 55% per hit as its multiplier only…so 10 hits as lv5 on ktos just like 5 hits as lv5 on itos now.

I think there won’t be any big change with the rebalance patch anymore. Just keep in my your interesting builds and try them out when the reset event comes :smiley:

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ikr., dis breather feelsgoodman.

imma check out those hunting grounds later once download finishes still at 34% btw are addons still working?

Just a head’s up. Only HG’s with decent drop rates are below 200. If you wanna try the 200+ HG’s they are a b*tch to farm in.

This. The 200+ HG have DPK values of 5000 per item and annoying to farm. Sometimes you get lucky, but most good items are insanely hard to farm. The lower level ones have almost constant drops.

meh the cloth gloves in (Lv 230) Sjarejo Chamber was not hard to farm. hah yeah the lower ones drop so much you run out of cap after 10 mins -_-

i’m happy that some elite mobs in the new dungeons hit for 5k. I will quit this game if everything becomes too easy.

just got into those HGs you guys were right about the drop rates i got lots from the lower grounds while the 200+ only gave me one eagle gloves anyways the mobs on 300+ maps seem alot weaker than before kinda makes me wonder what gives…?

Ain’t that 150 crit rate?

idk, the tooltip says 30 crit rate each level but in ktest my archer got 100 only. maybe bug.