I don’t complain. I am not even a wizard. LOL!
Look at the comment on how “his” DPS rankings should be. In an MMO, roles are assigned in classes. TBH, this is the only game where i see Wizards building “pure vit” but still wreck havoc its not even funny.
What i can’t get is “his” logic for that ranking. Top DPS should be a character who can also tank? how can you kill that? Why go “archer” when you can attain a higher DPS in a swordie which can gap close anyone? You should know that to compensate the high damage, they have low mobility (in this game!) and piss poor health. Why would i still use my archers if i can much easier kill anyone and still have 20~30k hp while archer have 13k HP and much mediocre damage and lacks saves than the swordsman in his “opinion of DPS ranking”. In PVE, why still get DPS when even your tank have much “higher” DPS than the classes that supposed to be DPS. I’ll just gladly get swordsman and cleric.
I only care about balancing of TOS if it is about Archer and Swordsman characters and I also know how absurd and 70% of TBL is composed of Wizard. I just said that I can’t get the logic there in his DPS rankings (if he is the one balancing the game). Anyways, i just want to clarify that i by no means ranting how wizard fall from grace. Thanks.