Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

yea, but its like “limecon looks awesome” @ killing some lv140 mobs that even r7 won’t have trouble with.

and its like hey, you have to attack 30x times for those crit shots of 10k each to kill a mob in an even zone, does that count as looking awesome?

Why are you complaining to me? Go on, create a korean game account, level a schwarzer reiter and post a video here of yourself killing high level stuff, not like killing random mobs is a real challenge, I can kill 280 mobs atm with the same ease we kill level 130 dungeon mobs… ¬¬

Not like I can choose what they are posting. I’m just sharing and >I< (me, personal) like it.

Strawman, goalpost moving, etc.

Thanks for admitting you’re wrong.

lol stop getting your panties in a twist.
first post was just a casual observation of the majority of videos being posted

and 2nd was just “is it really that awesome though?” cause 10k crit a hit doesn’t seem that much.

untwist your panties

10k each weapon for “n” seconds that for some reason counts as strike dmg and Doubles 20k with no aoe ratio penalty and in a very fast rate.
Thats how this guy finished et 20f with his party
For 20-40 he Will get better gear, ofc.

For solo play indeed, you’re right, doesnt seem to be huge as mobs hp are way too high.

What new skills did they add to Bunshin besides shooting star?

They added more skills? I’ve always thought the only Rodelero one was Shield Bash

Got this on reddit

TOS take on Biochemist’s Plant Cultivation?인챈터&l=53848

Enchant Lightning is broken (bad way).

Changing element of skills to lightning and only applying to the first hit of multihit skills.

IMC interns need a raise…


Seem like Enchanter is broken and need a fixed or buff hardly.

We need a Taoist+Enchanter+Fencer combo vid before they patch this, for science.

Monk Inquisitor leveling (Rank 8-15 around lv 315 +/- 2)

This wasn’t mentioned on patch notes at all, maybe they did some stealth buffs to skills?

I’ve seen Karacha Backstab do 51k-51k on a Hackapell vid(22~22 with Catacombs Blade)

lol a lot of people is wizard because they are op and now you complain because everyone is going to be swordman? just lol…

swordsman aren’t suddenly op, but at least there damage is nice now.

Sigh… fantasy shattered. [limacon] is specific to pistols and [running shot] does not affect off hand so … yeah :sob:

Have you guys seen this? Featherfoot video


blood curse does more hits the more you level it up?

Remember KR server has had transcendence for a lot longer than we have. They’ve probably got some massively OP weapons by now.

dude thats awessome , i always considered that build, is cool to see it working (i might roll one now lol o.O)

Is garbage without linker. Link is strong by their own, not need to go FF2 to kill 300k hp mobs.

Almost all wizard classes with linker can kill with one combo, so yeah, FF is still weak (only 72k dmg).

Wizard3-linker2/3 have same killing ratio. Last classes should be link independent to fill time between link.

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