Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

It also feels too soon for me. Lets follow the korean population reactions to it over the week.

Also seems we got the performance patch that ktest uses. My iToS client is loading as fast as the test client now. Why would they hidden patch that lol.


I guess it’s okay for them to release the combat changes now as long as they keep releasing balance patches afterwards. We’ll probably get all the additional balance changes when we finally get the new combat system in iToS anyway.

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Now I’m genuinely worried. It’s way too soon to release something that has been barely tested.


It seems like optimisation and stability are things IMC is content with tweaking silently, they did say it was a top priority. I don’t mind, they can make my client run faster if they want.

EDIT: Papaya confirmed that they did make changes, and will continue to do more of them.


Title said spr bug fix but it’s still a bug?

how to get that much sp (almost 20k sp)

I think we all have that kind of feeling, let the ktos and jtos players feedback to imc first.
any news about this xbow?

SPR affects Summons again
We black in business!


So it’s that + the changes or we just back to that?

w00t how much? ;3 can u test it <3? still i think int is better for this but at last any stat is good atm xD

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Do agree that it is a bit premature. But one thing which is for sure in ktest is that there aren’t enough players with gear high enough to test the upper damage limits of each class, making it hard to balance on the high end too. Perhaps that’s why they decide to release it to kToS so to gather more data since the population there already have enough time to gather gear and silver for the attributes.

Really hope they will continue to balance though. If not… sadhu… T_T.


They fixed Monstrance but not out of Body: Weakened defense.
Sadhu still viable until they catch on.

For Sorc/Necro: I leave the SPR formal testing to someone else.

JP was fixed so the new hit count only consider “original” hits, and no longer consider “shared” hits for its cap.

So lvl 5 JP can link 5 mobs for 9 hits each. You can hit 8 times each mob and they will still be linked sharing damage, but as soon as any mob reaches 9 “original” hits the whole JP is undone.

This means Linker can still be used with Pyro, Elementalist, and support other non-Wiz AoE classes.

I mained a pyrolinker for quite a while and I’m pretty sure it always worked that way. Otherwise a lv15 link on 10 mobs would break in only 2 flameground ticks (10 mob * 10 hit each = 100 hits per tick), which it clearly doesn’t.


Really? I mainly use it with Fireball + PP and it seemed that my lvl 5 JP would break before my double FB ran out of their ticks against bosses, because i could see it bursting for a lot of their HP bar at the first few seconds and then drop for the final ticks.

Seems to break almost instantaneously when used on mobs standing on Frost Cloud or something alike as well, even with no one else attacking.

That’s because with 2 FB + link on a boss, the boss takes 6 lines of damage per tick (2 FB * 3 targets, yes FB deals damage to themselves). That means with Lv5 JP it’ll break on the 9th tick, which is less than 5 seconds. This is not even counting the PP which would deal an additional 3 lines of damage per tick.

For Frost Cloud, let’s say your Lv5 JP linked 5 mobs on it. Each mob takes 5 lines of damage per tick, and FC ticks every 0.3 seconds, so the link would break in only 3 seconds.

In before it’s a cash shop item only.


That makes sense. I was just thinking about the amount of ticks the Fireballs would take, not the boss. Derp me.

It even goes faster than that because of the shards of the FB + PP combo. It should actually break on the second or third tick at most.

The one thing I wont be able to do anymore. RIP FB + PP.


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oh my… that’s sad. they should just change invocation to do something else then. xD Or boost dark skills. Or when killing mobs more spirits form around you or something. lol