Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Lua doesn’t have the += and -= operands, Instead of Atk += value you have to “spell it out” : Atk = Atk + value

I think there will always be meta builds, because there will always be people who try to minmax everything possible.
But i hope what will be done is making the difference between meta and non-meta builds less obvious so even non-meta builds are, to put a number on it, at least 80% as effective as meta builds.

Heck, they already made Thaumas buffs quite nice (~1.6k atk/matk and ~600 def with the two swell arm skills) so it’s likely that we’ll see more Thaumas in the future.

I’m confused, how is discussing kToS balance off topic from the kToS thread?

With the linker nerfs I’m thinking I’ll make my in-progress pyrolinker into a pyrothauma instead. Especially with fireball change making linker not quite as necessary.


the problem is buff count. Everytime i got a Thauma in my team i cant even use my self buffs due to buff limits xD


got a wiz 3 thau 3 full attributes and so confused,…

Carry Daino scrolls.

Seems like ktest got patched, but I couldn’t find the patch notes in Nexon’s website (obviously I can’t read korean~). Does anyone know where they post them? I want to Google translate it.

I’m concerned about the last patch that made Effigy have an Overheat 3 (and less cooldown as it seems) instead of Overheat 5.

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I just noticed I was checking the pinned threads in this link:

Thank you. :slight_smile:

hmm i cant find anything about sorc summons or I’m blind ._.

Look under both bug fixes and other modifications.

I’ll check the monstrance change to see how it compares with OoB’s

Here we GO


w00t! me want @@ cant wait til rank 9 will come :smiley:

New combat system arrives today on KToS ( 25/4 )

it’s confirmed for the day 31/5 in JToS

Remembering that they are going to make a big announcement on Thursday

Sorry for the bad english D: i hope everyone understands


most likely we’ll get it 1-2 month after jtos

srlsy we are now even after jtos?.. tis sad…

we’ll have it a month or less :smiley: being positive

They just updated the card icons we had before.

Wait, I thought we were still having wild balance changes every week? Is that’s all the testing we’ll get?

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There’s the link to what @HeCarvalho was referring to.

Personally I feel like it’s premature, I’m not sure if it’s balanced and tested enough to be put on the live version. IMC could however be wanting more feedback from the general population, and in that case I understand the move. As long as IMC continues to balance aggressively I’m in favour of it.


Thank you very much, I was not able to paste the link because the site is blocked in my service T.T