Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Effigy have 5OH
and increase damage at 3rd
how cleaver!!

Giving Double Punch a cooldown absolutely ruins monk for me. Especially since we have nothing to use as filler. Double Punch is our filler. Whats left, auto attacking with our mace? Disgusting. I hate looking at maces, I hate using them. Monks punch (and kick actually). This ruins the whole feel and flow of Monk, which already needed work. I know they are just testing and it might not stick, but donā€™t this from us. Itā€™s all we have.


I donā€™t think that exempts ToS from the generality that is most mmos. Only todayā€™s mmos that do promote skill spam are exempt, as that is in the context of what I stated (the example being ESO). This is a weird thing to argue aboutā€¦

I dunno, what about any skills from those 4 ranks before Monk? I know having your build or usual playstyle changed sucks but thatā€™s kind of a blatant lie, lol.

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What skills would those be? heal? cure? faint?


See? Itā€™s easy :stuck_out_tongue:

How about Out of Body autoattack?

Okay but your whole argument is ā€œmost MMOs stopped doing thisā€ which isnā€™t an argument at all, because A) most MMOs are shit, and B) who gives a ā– ā– ā– ā– ? If the MMOs that donā€™t do that are made better for not doing it why arenā€™t you playing them?


You got me there

Well, because they are still most mmos.

This is a weird thing to argue about.

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Ha recommending I take sadhu. good one

Ask me dumb questions and Iā€™m gonna give you dumb answers :wink:

offer thoughtless advice and ill ask sarcastic questions :wink:


The Ouroboros is complete.

no point of having overheats if it ticks on the first cast lol thats the whole point of overheatā€¦

Wonder if they are going to do anything about Alchemist to make it usefull for more then just making HP/SP potionsā€¦

I bet theyā€™re going to allow Alchemist to make Stamina Potions


ā€˜_ā€™ they already can.

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For all KTest players who know korean language, rune of ice (with 150%) now influence also elementalist skills like frost cloud ?

Thanks for the translation! I notice some strange stuff, so just to be sureā€¦


  • Damage Factor per level has increased from 7.7% to 8.2%(Lv 15ā€™s Factor 264% ā†’ 257%)
  • Now has a fixed duration of 5.5 Seconds

This was supposed to be the other way around, 257% -> 264%, or have decreased because of 5.5s fixed duration, despite the increase on skill factor?

Concentrated Fire:

  • Damage Factor has been increased from 415% to 124%, Damage Factor per level has increased from 22.8 to 6.8%. (Lv 15ā€™s Factor 734% ā†’ 219%)


  • Damage Factor has been increased from 251 to 126%, Damage Factor per level has increased from 30.1 to 15.1%. (Lv 5 Factor 371% ā†’ 186%)

Should be decreased right?

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