Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

kTEST server has been updated few hours ago.

(Detailed patch note is out!)

There are some major changes I found and tested.

Missile type attack now are divided into three groups: Arrow, Gun (Pistol and Musket), Cannon.

Arrow deals 112.5% damage against Cloth and Leather;
Gun (Pistol and Musket) deals 112.5% damage against Cloth and Leather;
Cannon deals 125% damage against Plate.

There was a bug where DEX did not increase attack speed of 0 CD skills; now this bug has been fixed.
However, all 0 CD skills now are changed to 5 Overheats, 10 second CD.

And now these skills, whose speed is affected by DEX, will show a special blue mark on the tooltip, saying “Attack Speed.”

Skill balancing.
Some skills are largely buffed, such as Possesion, Hamaya;
while some are nerfed, such as Frost Cloud’s CD being increased to 45 seconds.

Two new Hunting Grounds (level 315 and 330) are added.


TBH i think that the whole “Overheat” system is bad as it it can be.

Its perfectly fine with having 5 Overheats, but why doe the CD not kick in the moment the first Overheat was used…oO?
-> If they implement this it would work fine i guess.


Because IMC doesn’t know how to code hurrrr.

You actually have to wait like double to CD of the first overheat for the entire skill to regen just one charge back.


Don’t the overheats recharge with twice the cd duration? Or at least they used to.

I want to see the opposite happen tbh, the fewer charges you use the faster said skill recharges. Makes it far more flexible.

Effigy, Tet Mamak La - Bokor.
Spear Throw - Hoplite.
Split Arrow - Scout.

But yeah, all of them have 10s CD and 5 OH (except Tet Mamak La).

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This is really funny, because Effigy only procs the big hit on the 3rd hit each time - 5 OH means you are blueballed from your 6th hit proc for 10 seconds. :upside_down:


Why would they make Effigy, a skill that is only really good every 3 skill uses, have a 5 overheat limit? 6 overheat would make more more sense for Effigy.because at least then a Bokor could make two damage rotations before Effigy goes on cd.
I guess they didn’t pay much attention when they did that change, they only slapped a general “10 cd 5 overheat” over everything that has 0 cd without looking whether it makes sense for the skills.


They’re bringing back Auto attacking son.
Or…to be more accurate.
They’re forcing auto attacking.


Makes you wonder if they ever play their own game.


bringin back atuo attk but make u play with potato server . logic lol

some change about wugushi? i see one video of wugushi 2… is so trash

I have no problem with autoattacking honestly, it’s better than just spamming skills 24/7 honestly.
In RO, you could build autoattack builds for Rogues,Sages,Hunters,
Monks,Priests,Assassins,Knights without any problem, because they were really effective. I played a lot of them actually and they were quite fun, although you could also spam skills because of the low skill delay in classical RO.

But some (all?)mullti-hit skills have been buffed oncemore.

Possession’s channeling duration has been reduced to 6.5 (21 hits)
However its now 213.8% scaling at max for 4489.8%. Significantly up from that 1800% it had yesterday.
Flame ground is now 2152.8% @15

this; without doubt; scout split shot as well; for a class c3 rank 6; putting 10 cd 5 overheat simple kills the class.
and the worst part of this all is how the overheat system is flawed if they simple put the cd once you started casting the first skill it would not have so much problems with those numbers.

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On the other hand for the
"I dont want my skills to fall off crew".

Well now there’s no 0 CD skills that blatantly replace them. Lol.
Aka Oblique shot from lvl 1-600 now. Sorry Split Shot.

I like the idea of the changes. There should be some kind of limit on 0 CD skills that scale with DEX. I’ll have to see how they look before I can say whether they’re good or bad changes.

Lol people crying over 1 or 2 skills again… 1st Fireball, now 0CD stuff. Then you have those persons who bring RO up again and again and again… :joy:

I want to see what they have in store for PvP. :kissing_smiling_eyes: Need to get these missile hole, ausrine, bleed, poison, CC duration changes on their way.

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Maybe I misinterpret something, they encouraging more creative usage of ME through this?

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Frost Cloud is 45sec cd now. Ele"meme" living up to his name.

I woulda preferred they went with what they did to [limacon].

They increased the damage but lowered the Dps

Yesterday: 181 + 22.1|| 4903.2% || 163.44% Per second of Cooldown.

Today: 221 + 26.5 || 5886% || 130.8% Per second of cooldown.

Compared to Summon Familiar which is straight nerfed @ lvl 15.