Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Sadly, doesn’t that make exorcise a poor skill with no weapon scaling besides its initial hit? Not to mention that means the enhance is pretty worthless as well, being the case the enhance only works towards its SkillFactor.

Unfortunatly it seems like so, the only scaling in the dot I see is from stats and and skill lvl which doesn’t compensate the loss of weapon scaling.

@STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan I know this probably won’t happen but during the Reset Event would it be possible for us to remove gems from weapons without losing levels? And/or somehow exchange Gems of same level to another color with some NPC?

I don’t know if this is a good suggestion or not but might be worth thinking since resetting our stat point choices will likely impact on gem choice, especially with removal of Critical Rate from Dex.


It would be nice to know what else is in that 301 CR.

According to this:

Sissel bracelet is left unchanged (37 * 2 = 74), +7 from Eaglestar + 10 from headgear = 91.

There are 210 CR left which I would like to know where they come from, since it’s not a small amount.


I was thinking the exact same thing before reading your post, I currently have at least 8-9 inserted high lvl gems in my equipment i need to change them due to balance changes, 3 of the gems are lvl 8 which I dont really think i can make again.

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most probably base stats (lvl), they mentioned that character base crit rates would be increased.

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It’s likie regard was made for this update

Extra sp, extra crit attack, extra crit, 3 slots

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Exactly. Which begs the question: What about R9?

It might be the case.

From this video:

we can see that a level 170 has 85 CR.

Sorry for the “spam”, I’m posting it (again) as reference :smile_cat:

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Strange, that much dex but the evasion rate seems low (290 dng vid).

I wanna try out a STR centered glass cannon build anyway but kinda sad that the evasion is not holding up for DEX types. I originally thought it would be an aspd composee for sustained dps type of Fencer or a rotation based hard hitting one to give players the play their preferred style.

We’ll see I guess

and Doppelsoldner

rip DoV?

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I failed to understand what dov does.

dov no have more stacks?

Are there new reliable ways of getting evasion after the boots not giving them anymore? Rogue’s/SR Evasion skills may be finally useful lol


The Green gems will be reworked too?

where 1 hand spear? i want to see the diference about 2h and 1h

some WUGUSHI video?? i need to see the new dots in action … nerf? buff?? shiet?

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Cryo glitch, Ice Blast hits dmg cap(?) 555 555 Fire Wall Flare as well(two shot Armaos)

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My hopes and dreams for Cata are dead again :frowning:

it seems that aspd didn’t affect compose.
Then what is the reason of going full dex fencers, isnt it better to go full STR?