Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

this will be good… Once you hit the target wich for me, is the hardest part on being a monk e.e

It’d be interesting if those enhance attributes actually worked as the exponent “0.x” going from 0.1 to 0.5 (at max attribute). the rate of growth according to it would be nice (although potentially too much if we can effectivelly keep def at 0).

Scrap that, just seem someone put full INT on Stream and no %rank applied.

Things just got real.

I’m even doubting anything will reach damage cap at this new formula.

But mobs HP are greatly reduced aswell, 330 mobs seem to float at 60k HP

So much hype on looking at the new changes. Lots of changes and tests I want to try ><. Wonder with the new changes will cleric hybrid builds (focus on patk/matk) will still be possible though.

The items which we have in our inventories will be retroactively changed to the new versions or they will be demoted as “legacy items” so players will have to refarm them?


Sorry, i think it’s forum bug. I get (502) error or something when i post and lose my data but the post is still published. It should be accuracy, i will change to update again. Thank you for the notice :cry:

The min is increased too, I’m sorry i didn’t know how to write that in. ( I will change for clarity) :frowning:
but yes, your calculated result is similar to what you have written. I’ve removed the phrase ‘max’ from those stats for easier understanding.

Agree heavily, i was running the 50 indun about 20min before the server went down to see some damage, they took a full fireball on pyromancer with maybe ~300 damage tick and max out the hits on lv10 fireball sometimes, and after the maint i kill the mobs in 3-4 fireball ticks of 900.

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I thought about it but I don’t think so since the Enhance value is stated within the Skillfactor formula.

As in bash

value = 240 + ([Skill Level] - 1) × 12
if [배쉬: 강화] not null
value = (value + value × [배쉬: 강화 Level] × 0.01)
return RoundDown(value)

That korean thing is the enhance level. I believe its value is supposed to be 50 at lvl 100. So value + value * 0.5. Is well 1.5x in total.

So that’s already accounted for in the SkillFactor formula.

I suppose it’s not skill levels either since SkillFactor already considers that.

Maybe it is Rank? I would think someone would have noticed that by now but maybe not.

Meh, I’m done trying to guess then. Might just be some technical “smoothing” factor so damage falls within a desired range really…

i remember them mentioning something about rank and hp but no idea…

i remember them mentioning something about rank and hp but no idea…[quote=“ChickenNoodleSoup, post:5816, topic:321901, full:true”]
can i get some info on if their are any sapper changes?

well they also got the new scaling and i like how broom trap looks, maybe would consider it on a wugu 2+ build but unsure yet.

It has to be well something…

425% multiplier 5000 attack. 50 defense. x = 0.1 to 1.0

Now with 9999999999 defense…

At some point more defense is pointless.

You’re not going to give ore receive 1 damage so then CON probably becomes the real means of getting a quantifiable increase to effective HP. That’s the point of LOG10 though I suppose.

Once def gets high enough it won’t really matter what the hell that modifier is.

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the idea might be to make def not overpower too hard but also attack dont scale too stupid (aka random 18k hits we used to recieve before)

That’s exactly the thing with log functions and why they are so interesting: they work with “saturation” thresholds (so no more 1’s) and, for small amounts, increases are nearly exponential.


sad that its not percentage but i saw an earlier post that poison element is good right now. It doesnt have penalties and increase in damage to other elements except having a -25% against poison making it a pretty much reliable DoT. I could be wrong but it looks ok for me

Can anyone translate this for me please?
Specifically the caption ratio part (where/how Spr and Int innteracts with it).
Mabye you can help me @Gwenyth

remember that wugushi poisons hit twice per secon and have a duration of 6-20 on wugong gu/needle blow and 5-14 on throw gu pot even tho they are not as bursty wugushi still have theoretical 4000% 2800% damage scaling over 20 seconds. any aditional % damage added to it would made the skill scale like a monster.

So have they changed other armor stats? like lolo panther or solmiki leathers? if yes, waht is the change. Thanks!

for those who still play ktos

here are the requirements for the free 500 tp event,

login to ktest server = 100 tp
complete 10 quests = 50 tp
upgrade weapon or armor to 5+ = 50 tp
complete five merchant donnes quest = 100 tp
transcendence each weapon/armor/accessory to rank 1 = 100 tp
complete three instance dungeons (exluding merchant post missions) = 50 tp
participate in 2 team battle league matches = 50 tp


So Sadhu is still subpar. It just won’t be AA’ing for 1 damage anymore.

ABE so bad it hurts.

Only thing to know about Sadhu right now.

Does the Divine Stigma/Aukuras Hidden mechanic still function and how.
Similar question for Rogue.

And still only half the DPS of kToS, which is what it will be balanced around if they find it too strong.

Honestly at this point they might need to just give iToS specific buffs for classes like Monk that will always be much stronger in the low ping Korean environment.

Did anybody see the changes on plate, leather and cloth attribute?
And also Gems if green gem is changed?

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