Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Low skill LV maybe?

It’s from here, google translate works very badly with that website.

1 of the line he mention is

65000뜨는 공홈 소개영상 = 사기
65000 About picture floating gonghom = scam

Currently I can only make a guessing out of their post there, unless someone know kr can translate them, they also have a sage summary post out, so far, enchanter’s topic doesn’t even have 1 full pages yet.

it should work for your own attacks. ranged weapons are ‘physical’ misiles.
dethrone is a debuff to one type of physical damage. same as how spear lunge, cleave, or lethargy, etc, work.

How to use 스칼푸그닝 Skarphuggning

someone said 1 daoshi skill rotation will cost you 13k silver

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Yep 1 talisman cost 500 silver in that vod totally use 26 talisman.

Seem like new Kabba skill can use on mission boss

O_o that 4? Tree boss


A clear example when science can go so wrong yet so right.

So, I assume Doppels are sort of in the void right now, while offering high base damage, don’t have the extra oomf that Dragoons and Fencers offer now?

Well, outside of Fencer crit (This assuming it crist about 50%+ of the time) they still have the higuer sheer raw burst of the three, I think, not specially familiar with Dragoon’s burst in practice.
I’d like to see a video of a DragoonC2, a FencerC3 and a DoppelsoeldnerC3 in a party if anything. Put a MusketeerC2 in there for extra hilariousness, and a ChronomancerC3 why not, may as well at this point.

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Deeds of valor 15…
Survival is not an option.


it says that clapping is a heal and dmg skill, idk how thats gonna work but ok

Cleric’s magic tiles deal damae, so ehhhhh.

yeah, but it says that it summons party members and heals them… ybe it will be like divine might where it just dmges nearby enemies.

well, on the ther hand, inquisitor has an attrbiute that makes it so heal tiles have fire that dmg things

Oh, so that’s how that attribute works?
I didn’t quite understood it… well well this changes things up for the build doesn’t it… hope we get Miko info soon I have something fun cooking in the pot now…

All miko relate stuff right now is like a place holder it might be change in upcoming update have to wait and see how it will be though.

I hope… it increases the charges on tiles not just duration.

i can sense a LOT of pissed koreans when miko is announced, they already chose their r8 so if miko is good theyre gonna have to re roll.

Well it’s all about building the dream of that massive lodge XP bonus anyway.
Especially if they keep raising it when they put in new ranks.

Homunculus details!


It won’t be announced, it’s a hidden class. And they undoubtedly know about it already.

Doppel’s preview was a lie, is the problem. Those attributes that made it look like the skills were now hitting like 30 times are actually just a simple damage buff (like +100% or something?) that adds fake multihits.

Good to know it works with all missile attacks and not just arrow attacks.

I skim this link through

Ktos Swordman Board?

with google translate [so i dont grasp the full of its]

but looks like they really a huge ton of complain to doppel?

some even say doppel still be a slave

can anyone thats know korea enlight me with what the problem with doppel? and why they disappoint

may be it is a time to stop playing swordie


The short is that players were essentially tricked into thinking Doppel would be significantly stronger than it would be in terms of multi-hits by the gameplay videos.

Fencer C3 and Dragoon C2 (this is particular) are currently considered the strongest low/single-target DPS in the game on kTOS. SR3 has somewhat taken over king of AoE DPS as well.

As expected, R8 due to the nature of base damages and critical hits, physical damage is starting to greatly exceed what magic DPS can accomplish. However, we are still only two days in, and a lot of broken synergies are being discovered daily (e.g. Twist of Fate + Joint Penalty = instant cast/instant kill up to 10-11 mobs regardless of HP).