Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0


no notes yet tho


let us admire how the hp of a lvl 310~ monster is 33k and how its damage is 1/10 first

the fact that cloth armor has both physical and magical defense as BASE stats and how it is WAY HIGHER.


(edited. accidentally posted the korean one)


lol the video contains no actual infomation


Yeah =/ but they did say more info will be coming out on the 5th so we’ll see I guess.

I’m assuming it’ll be out soon, in a couple of hours probably. :slight_smile: Video looked promising…

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I agree. I wonder how some classes will end up if they give everyone proper scaling, I bet a lot of builds will become viable, cant wait to see.

So the videos didn’t really show much but …

Why is there an archer attacking dummies on the “Stat Change” part of the video? Is that DEX reducing cast time? Cooldown?

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Most likely or some stat giving attack speed like RO? Either way i am not spending money and shards from now on :joy:

I’m hoping that summoner/companion classes will be relevant after the update, with the summons actually surviving in end-game content.

What I also wonder about is that they mention “monster combat features” I wonder if this could also speak of a potential work on AI department and maybe some work on their skills like for bosses as well which could be a balance for sorcs summons as well, I can only dream. :sob:

Im sure I’ll be happy with the changes even if that doesn’t happen though.

Hmm the video is just an animated representation of the ktos post posted last week… have to wait for more details :X

The ending animation is cute and nice though, so want them XD

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It shows a monster with a “clover” buff and bigger than usual, im guessing its the Giant Monster Buff from monsters on Hunting Grounds, but no idea what it has to do with that.

welp …
Seems like it going to be released next week in ktest
time to test more I guess

as much as they didnt really tell much on the video, you could see stuff like

Physical + Magical def are now base stat of armors

clubs have both Magic and Physical attack as base stats

that could mean both things are now afected by refine

the fact that stats are so high on base item now could mean that refine is now % otherwise the bonus is ■■■■

wich would make trascendence like… really weird…

Right, maybe it’s something about them, guess we should just wait for the actual post since the video isn’t that informative. :sweat_smile:

They probably put in the clover monster in the video to show QoL change. Since prior to this one of the feedback is that it is hard to discern between monsters with clover buffs to others.

So in future whenever we encounter a glowy buffed up version of a mob, we know it has the clover buff.

Where did you read that its gonna be released on ktest next week =O!?

in the video …the kr one


금번 영상은 4월 11일. 테스트 서버에

basically tuesday, next week.

dat fire pillar

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Is pyro3 costume effect.

That is fletcher Crossfire skill, it already has 0 cd. The speed animation looks fast because it is ktos server. 0 Cd skill spam faster.

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