Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Hoping to see an actual Murmillo build soon, rather than this Shinobi meme. I predict it would kill that boss in one skill rotation.


I hope IMC realises soon we need a cap of number of summons. :confused:
(and also for PvP, cap at 3 soldier and 2 archer skeletons)

When was the damage cap changed from 99,999 to 199,999? Or was the damage cap always 199,999? Is it higher than that?

Well, theyā€™re all sleeping right now and there arenā€™t that many people left playing either.
Hereā€™s a Japanese doing the

sage quest

Donā€™t forget you can duplicate them, too. :sweat_smile:

That was the VISUAL damage cap, there was proof odMusketeer going above it before it even if the game only shows 99,999. Due to the higuer general damages now they made the visual cap higuer.

@Domo_Kun I dunno, thatā€™s why I asked.

Well yeah, obviously. Thatā€™s how it is in most newer games nowadays. Still it doesnā€™t answer the question. Did that change come with this patch? or was it earlier?

If anyone here has any idea and could share what this does or is used for I would highly appreciate it.

Those who are generally interested be on lookout if you find anything, I havenā€™t seen any discussion on this yet. :slight_smile:
(If I missed it Iā€™m sorry please share.)

Definitely new. Itā€™s weird they increased it to 199999 instead of 999999. The new cap is ironically even easier to hit than the old cap because everything does so much damage now.

Ah, okay. Yeah, thatā€™s a sad fact. :sob:

The bombs are very likely the items used to enchant peopleā€™s equipments with the shop, much like how every other shop needs to stock up in materials before opnening them.

Are there any SR3 gameplay vids? Iā€™m not sure how you find these korean channels on youtube

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Iā€™m looking for recent videos and nothing for now :frowning:

Itā€™s like 5 am in korea, theyā€™ll probably upload more videos later.

Itā€™s not a visual cap, itā€™s an actual damage cap. Iā€™ve tested it multiple times with my Musketeer. This increase is nice but I feel like itā€™s not enough, especially with all these strong new skills.

Yeah this is so true.

Tree of savior has become maple story -kappa

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I hope they tone a lot of this new damage down. At the pace the game is going now every new rank that doesnā€™t give you some crazy specific buff like murmilloā€™s +400% peltasta damage bonus will just totally invalidate early rank classes. Thereā€™ll be no point taking anything but utility.

Any Cannon C2 footage?

WTF the damage of snipe with only 21 str and 55% atri damage how is so high?

Level 10 snipe, she reset her skills