Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

The patch notes for 29/12/2016 are available to read


Thanks for your hard work


check the link theres a duplicate error :slight_smile:

Instance Dungeons:
- If the entry level requirement is met, the party matching will be done regardless of level.

Finally this comes to TOS

it’s duplicated remove one part of it

okay got it, i was lost for one moment there. lol

Sorry all, I’ve now fixed the URL as the others had pointed out. :stuck_out_tongue:

as it seems this is very minor and more of a nerf really…

You have to kill ferret mobs. And you’ll eventually get the quest item and that will trigger the quest when you talk to the npc.

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@greyhiem grey can u confirm if the new guild mission added to our itos few days ago is the 1 added in ktos recently about owl companion for falconer?

is there any guild level requirement to do it?

awesome thanks for the info

I don’t know a lot about guilds.
Mission? I have a vid here, this channel has vids of guild level 12-13-14 missions:

Guild mission lvl 12

Happy Holidays guys!

Greetings from my two babies :slight_smile:

Be an Angel or a Demon next year? Choose wisely. Cheers!

just letting you know everyone solmiki is working fine o/

What are all these buffs?

Anyone in ktos trying out the wugu changes? Are they so bad no one is even bothering with the changes?

as long as poison is an element i dont think ppl will be interested cause how big of a deal crit-ing is after rank 8

I’m more interested in the new [jincan gu]. Specifically “can it crit”.

Other stuff I want to know:

  • can other people trigger it
  • does it have an icd
  • how much damage does it do

I missed this post. Please click the image to enlarge it :smirk:

I’m going to go ahead and say this unofficially because we have not seen anything from any other server, but I believe this is ITOS Server First 40F Clear!
There will an official post made by Calindrea, but I wanted to leave a teaser here!

No Cryo Chrono in the party

Want to say thanks to all of the amazing teammates on our squad, this wasn’t possible without their help as well as our Guild Inertia. All of you in Inertia know who you are who have selflessly helped our team achieve this goal. This one is for all of you as well!