Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

Pretty much, yes.

We are working on that, those links in korean I tried using classic google translate, but to no avail. If someone with proper korean knowledge could help it’d be great. Mostly because that’s all the info we have about it.

You go to sage master for one part of the cube, absidium ores, and you do these other quests for the papers. Still no info on the recipe-getting part.

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How do you completed Carlyle’s quest? Do you remember the time?

Seems to be like Grynas.

CHANCE to spawn every :00 and stays for 10m or so.

stay there until the spirit spawns. it doesn’t happen at a definite or fixed time.

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I don’t think so, because the korean found it at 09:54 PM.

So far, we’ve had better luck finding both Downtown and Carlyle at :00. While camping there didn’t provide anything at all.

Edit: im also aware of the time provided on some korean boards. But i’d rather take into consideration they also mention :00 hours

About Downtown, a friend of mine told me to talk to every soldier in map and then, I found the NPC.

you mean roxona downtown?

Its at a fixed time. Its on the korean guide i shared a few posts above.

Also, lets try to not spread not confirmed information. All that’s really left, its the time interval for the npc spawns

OK. We had luck.


Well, my friend is about 6 hours waiting and nothing happened yet. I prefer to believe in @stryffe_20 and wait more ignoring “Grynas theory”.

Edit: Well, I camped and got it.

grats because it took me 2 hrs to even find that thing and initially thought it was a bug

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After I tried with my Musk at 07:25, the spirit disappeared =/

It will. Same with other cases people have to wait it out or come back for it at any given time.

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Downtown is 8pm server time (i found it). well i saw the screenshot from the ktos guide. taken at 8pm server time too. not 100% sure. but try it.

The spirit spawned a diff time on my experience. about 2:10am server time.

im still looking for the trigger of To The Fortress of the Land. tosneet says the pre req is White Lie quest. i’ve finished it but still no quest.

^ edit. it seems i missed a few quests from the sentry bailey quest line. (sub quests) i think it’s a pre req too since you’ll be getting notes from those maps.

I got spirit on a char at 2:00 am server time can confirm, Couldn’t see the spirit on my alt though when i came.

Wolf and I have been camping the spirit even at the times you guys and koreans have stated and still nothing, guess we’re unlucky, or someone takes it before us, assuming one per person (seems unlikely, but let’s consider all possibilites). Downtown one though seems to be the one that’s fixed time grynas style. We found it at 9PM, 11PM, you found it at 8PM.

Other people stated random times for the spirit. So I’m gonna assume Downtown is grynas style and Carlyle is random.

About the prerequisites, My wugu had them all just fine so I cannot confirm which ones you need and which ones you don’t, I’m sorry for that lack of info.

Still nothing on the recipe, by the way. Wolf is looking for hidden quests to see if something happens.

We need translation

Good morning. “Tree of Seaview” development team.

The development team has been watching the suggestions of the users through ingame and various bulletin trends.

There are many classes in the TOS, as well as a variety of former trees and corresponding
I was able to find users who made a different combination, and this is a very nice development team.

However, the fact that all users are not satisfied with their classes and trees
In fact, I noticed that there were some problems with the class itself.

While some classes have been well received by many users in the game,
Some other classes were being ignored by users.

The development team felt the need for continuous balance adjustment to resolve the disparity and over-weight of these classes
Since September, we have planned to revise the balance through feedback from users and system analysis.

On October 13, we started with the first balance patch, and on December 15, we went to the fifth balance patch.
The main objectives of the balance improvement that the development team is currently doing are as follows.

  1. Ensure that each class has a unique role and value that fits the planning intent and concept.
  2. Make sure there are no classes that are overly preferred or avoided compared to other classes of the same rank
    Ensure that a uniform class distribution is as possible as possible.
  3. A class is complementary with other classes in the same or different series rather than perfected.
    Combine to allow new combat to spread.

We are continuing the balance patch according to the above policy.
The purpose of the balance patch scheduled for the 6th and 7th is currently a reorganization of the characters that can not play due to chronic problems.

For example, classes such as Canonie tend to improve attack range, damage, and ease of use,
Some of them were also included in the previous balance patches.

The following are the representative classes corresponding to the 6th and 7th balance patches.

  1. Barbarian
  • The development team wanted the barbarian to be able to create synergies with a slightly different warrior class.
  • With this patch, if you are a barbarian of 3 circles, I expect that you will be able to improve the performance of other warrior class through some skill.
  1. Runcaster
  • Runcaster wants to increase the skills available in the giant’s runes as mentioned in the last 5th Balance patch.
  • We have reviewed the classes belonging to the tree which is frequently used by the runicaster, and we will add some skills so that we can judge that the giant’s rune situation has enough effect and there are no other problems.
  1. Canonie
  • The development team decided that Canonie did not fully reflect the concept of wide-ranging extreme.
  • So I want to make Canonian’s range of attack wider and improve it for strategic use.
  • In combination with other archer classes, you will also gain additional performance.
  1. Monk
  • The development team decided that the most important aspect of Monk’s problems was that there were too many restrictions on skill use.
  • However, these constraints are to be meticulously approached as slight changes can cause significant changes in balance.
  • Monk will gradually improve the skills and judgment of the skill usage from the skill that is mainly used.

In addition to the above-mentioned classes, other classes are also preparing a balance patch,
We will continue to adjust the various classes in the future.

In addition, since 2017, not only PVE balance, but also many users at home and abroad
We plan to intensively adjust the PVP balance.

In the meantime, we have been carefully reviewing the issues pointed out by Team Battle League and the Unified Guild Battle Beta.

Especially when many people point out that PVP is getting boring due to the effects of some skills,
We will take action as soon as possible for the skill that causes excessive damage.

I think there will be a problem in balance afterwards,
In the future, we will plan to improve the opinions of the users as much as positively.

I always ask for your opinions and interest in TOS.
Thank you.

credits to google translate. (didnt bother to change the translations, direct copy :P)


Your translation is better than mine