Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

But but… it was so cool >_<

Best taunt ever.

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Monsters are so dumb, if they are too far they could take 2 min to run in your direction (’-’)".

Well, even with Swashbuckling of peltasta this happens. Not always though.

Soldiers of Fortune? :confused:

hi, what forest is this from exactly?

Pora and Pore recipes are from Kalejimas gimmick cube. Itos info on this thread: WTT my Practonium for your Pore

By seeing the videos above it is possible to say that bosses are still a bunch of punching bags, they take too long to react.

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Are there new devil card bosses added to the game?
Since sorc is getting a huge buff, it’s gonna be fun experiment.

What ?

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Rexipher has always been an exception as it is a pain in the rear to fight against.

I’m talking about the video above, featuring Zaura.

Even the actual version of Rexipher does not react so fast. For Zaura it’s not a problem of reaction as you can see, it seems this boss attack randomly and has problems of hitbox on his attacks.

He’s still pretty strong and fast on the video you are showing so, what do you want ? A 0 sec open window attack ?

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A would like every world boss in the game be like that not just an hp sponge as the current ones.

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Pretty strong I can accept, but fast? Please watch the video again, I almost fell asleep.

Having a 0 sec open window could be interesting, yes, as it would require an actual tank to hold of the attacks since DPSers get 1~2 shotted :slight_smile:

And Borel said it.



I don’t need to watch the video again, it’s a giant warrior with a giant axe, what do you expect ? He’s actually faster than a lot of big bosses in DS1/2/3. You can’t expect all bosses to attack like ninja, doing x100 hit attacks. He’s reacting faster than the boss we have right now, his attacks are slow for a good reason, face the truth.

You either a troll or someone who would make the worst game ever created if you were a designer.

??? I don’t think it’s related to what we are saying, and is Borel a god who know everything o_O ?

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Well it does have the jolly roger on the boots.

and some keys on the pocket, unlock chest hype

I see what you are trying to do here. I just stated my opinion that the bosses still look very boring to go up against from what it was possible to see on the video posted above and here you are countering me implying things I did not say due to your bias, which is possible to claim you have as you are now attempting to attack me.

In FFXIV for instances your team won’t be able to handle bosses if you don’t have a qualified tank and a healer to back it up. Even in Ragnarok you required team formation of tanks, supports and DPSers to successfully defeat certain MVPs.

Borel is not an omniscient god, I just agreed with what he said. Please stop trying to amaze me with your stupidity.

Don’t tag me from now on. Much obliged


Hype is real! xD

New animations for Hexen and Pistol plz xD

Eyepatch would be so awesome

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