Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread v2.0

If you feel that is slow you can just stock few TP (50 is enough) for x4 Tome and buy it with free daily 5 TP not straight 9 TP per tome… Now with free x4 tome per day you can just stack bunch of alts if you’re worried for leveling to level 130-ish/rank 5… Leveling is much faster with x4/8 tome not Token, Token is if you want to use market and trades (but stacking both will make it fastest)…

It is really just $5 (even cheaper for SEA server) so we want to ask your money management if you can’t spare just that amount to skip leveling phase…


OMG, we have rank reset now? I’m wondering how it work :confused:

Watch the link above, thats how it works.

monk buffs pls. Y-Y



The necro girl (wiz3 linker sorc necro3) of KToS is now a cryo3 sorc necro :confused:

Is the new sorc riding that strong?

The new cyclone, another vid:

Maybe she want something new…
compare to old vid

lol, templeshooter stronger than 95% of the mergens

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How? :open_mouth:


@greyhiem hi, can you upload the new loading images of ktos, please? I love the loading screen with new costumes :blush:

The loadscreenie I like is:

The most greedy pardoner master NPC represents very well. :yum:

I think @Gwenyth or @merru are more able to upload those loading screens though :disappointed_relieved:

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I love this but the image size I have is too small :sob:

I only have several in-game screens of those costumes.

A<<Click here

B<<Click here

C<<Click here


that cheeky gurl heh.

archer costume is not good…why is it so short in this cold weather? :confounded:

s3x appeal. hahahaha the only reason i can think of.

Oh also have male cleric

Male cleric <<Click here



More <<Click here


Sacrifice comfort for fashion


Sorry to bother you grey, are you informed about new health point of the new 170 dg mobs? Are they like twice the previous amount?

Also, does the boss drop Aias now? I need to know before progressing with my thau, lest I wreck another build. Thanks man, I really really appreciate it.

Found this on youtube. Video of Jincan Gu Post patch. Not sure how I feel about it. Does an aoe explosion but only does 1 hit per explosion with the chance of it infecting other mobs. Can only bring out a max of 5 insects per mob at level 5 so not so great for bossing. Definitely more of aoe skill. With this I wonder if the insects will even aggro anymore. Should have been an attribute…I hope its an attribute.


Indonesia ToS is behind in patches right? You could still finish your chars & farm silvers until your server receives the changes.

KToS removed some dungeons. The removed drops will drop in other dungeons (I don’t know which).

New level 170 Thorn forest dungeon mob HP changes
Hmm, new HP values? Adjusted to new lvls (level 170 around).
For example the flying pumpkin mob pumpleflap Hp is from 33’927 => 39’266.
Tripede Hp 34 949 => 40 371.
Black wood goblin 34 949 => 40 371.
Infro holder archer 29 998 => 34 681.

I am trying to get the other mob values

wendigo archer 29 998 => 34 681.
Vubbe chaser 35 834 => 41 225.
Vubbe warrior 38 638 => 44 498.
Green eldigo 34 949 => 40 371.
Blue kodomor 32 802 => 37 953.
Coli flower mage 30 717 => 35 481.
Shardstatue 31 723 => 36 568.

Seems around +5000 HP for every mob. :slight_smile: