Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I cant understand what i have to do in this quest. I killed the mosters with the icons more than 20 times and still cant complete the quest.

Not sure about the specifics, but keep killing the marked mobs and talking to the crystal/sphere structure to “hand them in”.

For me, around 20 did the job.

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anyone know at what lvl you’ll start getting lvl 10 exp card for daily quest?

if im not wrong you cant. you can only get them from monster drop

is the website and the server down?

I am cannot get in too. Looks like the website is down.

Edit: Nope, I am in!

i guess the max you’ll get is lvl 9 o.o

sorry, its a newbie question…is there any equipment that giving addtional elemental attack such as cafrisun set?

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i am trayin to play tos at the Korean server and i have this client bug Someone can help ?

is Rodel really needed for high end content?

i decide to make a templar with Sword > Pelt > Hop1 > Hop2 > Squ1 > Squ2 > Temp route

since i am a big fan of spear + shield weapon combination, and this image make me re-think my whether to take Rodel2 instead of Squ2.

Anyone playing as Rodelero and Squire in KToS / high lvl with experience with the classes could give me some more advanced knowledge for both?


today is very unlucky, played dungeon 190, channel reset twice (not even played 20% of the map). went catacomb not more than 3 seconds, channel reset again.

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thanks for the input !

i pick my current idea based on future update which afaik, we will have rank 10 with possibility even till rank 12. so Templar at 7, and maybe Squaire3 > Templar2 > Templar3 assuming Templar is up to Circle 3.

And with the 3 star map lvl 200+ been added to the game + guild pvp , i foresee a need for squire for food and camp for u to grind 24/7 on same spot since they said that u will be grinding ur arse off when u reach 200++ instead quest system to lvl.

but yeah, i think i shouldnt set anything in stone yet , since there not much content in game atm.
just gonna test this and that on KToS,

How good is Synchro Trust nowadays btw ? is it even better than Pierce and Stabbings?

Pretty funny and accurate img, at least for iCBT2

But i played as a cleric 2 diev 2 monk 2, and i was a pretty good dps with heals, diev sucked indeed, but even without priest i was a good healer - dps :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Now with buffs in diev i’d put him and monk somewhere else in that representation, maybe something near petalsta 3

Nothing is really useless in a party, but the highlights on the img are true xD

And for PvP, don’t rely on CC, oracle’s and plague doctor’s make most of CC useless

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Sorry I cannot catch or I’ve been missing something. What’s with Rodelero? Any new skill/attribute? Thanks anyway.