Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

she have more buff ( bless, sacrament, enchant fire)

Yeah, JP changed a bit since ICBT2… linked mobs no longer take multiple hits but they can receive the bonus 50% earth damage.

I think the toy hammer played a part in this so you can’t proc 10 explosions at once.

That’s working as intended
Characters and Pets eat up individual slots and not together in one slot or just the characters taking slots

Nah. Just found the old uggo monster >_<

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Does anyone remember since when has the card system for Wugushi been in hold?
The job is already very good and all, but it’s starting to get on my nerves. I want at least one of my characters to use the cards for something besides trying to give them to a Sorcerer geez.

lolz even giving cards to a sorc is a pain…

Does anyone know where can I get the Cat Ears?

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It’s from a Lv.4 Treasure Chest in the southwest area of map Orsha lv.68 ( @fitzfeliz the name should be Absenta Reservoir but it’s not updated in the English patch yet - I think)


What do you guy think about OP monster?–Alubc


Spiral Arrow, Druid need to copy that :smiley:

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Cards work for wugushi now. People in ktos have been using it to give the gu pot water splash effects. Dunno what it does.

Can someone tell me what the price of a daino scroll from the auction house please?

If still stuck:

i think it’s 1,000 x skill lvl. Yesterday i see Lvl 5 scroll about 5k each, but today only see level 1 for 1,200 silver.


I don’t know if I want to feel relieved or baffled that it does that.

Out of curiosity, can you still hold multiple Duels at the same time?
It was ratehr fun to do dumb stuff back in ICBT, but it did end up pretty damn wonky due to the Duel related bugs.

Well the effect isn’t just visual, it does damage in a different AoE and seems to be really useful. I dunno what card it is, but most people seem to use the water one. I won’t be making a Wugushi until iobt though.

You can hold multiple duels yeah.

It’S atk based. Not matk.

So you would need an Str/Dex druid xD.

Oh god please let it not be another goddamn Temple Shooter situation, IMC I swear…

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Chaplain DEX/STR druid copying “spiral arrow” confirmed?

Note: i quoted spiral arrow from the previous post, i have no idea what’s that spell’s name