Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

U sure? Does that mean wiz’s auto is no longer classified as striking coz it is not working at all for me? :o

It is not striking, no. Unless you use a staff and press C.

It used to be, my magic damage from staff used to get doubled from lethargy.
Actually, Frozen debuff is supposed to increase Striking damage, and it does increase my staff magic auto for now.
So many different interactions make me confused xD

The attribute is bugged last I recall.

Did anyone buy TP from outside korea?

Every couple of days we have new information, and things kinda start to become lost in my memory xD

So, do we have any lead on when rank 8 is coming?

I remember reading that they dropped the idea of 11 ranks (for now) and would stick with 8 ranks for a while, but i don’t remember a date or anything, not even where i read that xD

I just got that vague thought that it’s supposed to have 8 ranks on international official launch

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That’s actually very strange because most of the time I get 1 buff from lvl 1 but sometimes I get 2 buff and sometimes I get all of the buffs. So I’m really not sure what to think of it :open_mouth:

QS still OP :smile: can use running shot while equip 2handbow too very interesting.

At first I though this is a bug, share running shot via spiritual link

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afaik , Finestra lost when u swapped from spear to any other kind of weapon.

but yeah, in arkgolf’s vid, clearly it something that shouldnt be happen, but u gotta admit he actually really good at playing his class aside from Running Shoot glitch

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Wait in what part does he use a two-handed bow?
I was too focused on how well he was playing Quarrel.

@ 12:15 second

Oh wow how how did I not notice it, it goes for a while lol.
I’d say it’s a weapon switch thing, they mentioned in some patch notes that using a weapon locked skill would switch them didn’t they? I’d assume it has to do with that.

hi guys! do you have any screenshots of necromancers’ summon shoggoth new look? or did they simply put it back the way it was before introducing the cutey tentacle ones? thanks :3


But, is it a bug? Or intended? That’s awfully powerful if so…

I hope for more tentacles… it’s asian dreams…

The more the better.


Just wait and see if there is no change or fix in a next update then it is intended.



Anyone else having a bug with attributes learning time getting skipped?
I’m leveling up concentrate on my char, the timer goes from 45+ minutes to 1 and then I learn the attribute. Dunno if it has something related with me continuously changing channels to farm but I am currently with this bug. My character is also sometimes receiving ONE status point randomly sometimes, if I spent it, after 10 minutes I receive one more so when it happens I just left it unexpendend and I don’t receive any until I spend all status points again. I don’t speak korean so I don’t know how to report it.
Can you help me reporting it @STAFF_J @STAFF_Shawn? I don’t wanna get banned for something like that.

There is something different in JP.
After JP, I would target one mob in the link and continue to auto attack it.
It will be the last one to die.
Now, it is the first to die.

I wonder what changed?

seems like you do the same dmg to all the mob. if you have cafrisun set you do your auto attack dmg+ JP dmg