Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

It should be working, i’ve claimed 2 days worth of attendance at least.

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I hope that is true about skills being usable while mounted :smile: it’s a big help for Cataphract and Schwarzer Reiter users in making class choices :smile:

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So I was smurfing my dailies by farming them at Tenet Church when I came across this. Tenet Church spawn nerf incoming?

I hope they do something about these 3-star maps. I’ve killed mobs in every (non-dungeon) one in the North, and 2 in the South, and both the EXP and Silver are low compared to the difficulty of killing the mobs. Half of the time Silver doesn’t even drop at all.

The only thing that’s incoming is more bans after you send that screenshot through support ticket system.

I’m sick of the spawn nerfs. There’s no place to grind/farm after that. Leave the mobs alone and get a decent anticheat system. It’s not hard to detect macro users.


Bans only? Look at Miners’ Village, still bot haven even after 2 nerfs. And yeah, spawn nerfs only hurt players since the bots will stay but players have one less optimal spot.

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oki overall the 115 dg need a XP boost

Do you think it would be faster for me to roll a new character 1-130 and then take chaplain for rank 5, or to push my lv135 monk to rank 6?

i dont know if is intended or something but when you kill monsters with the flame status from the ignition rod you dont receive exp. its like the monster just suicide only drops silver/items


thaaaaat sounds like a bug to me

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An emergency maintenance has been scheduled today during the following hours:

During this time the server will be unavailable for play.
The announcement can be found [here].


  • Token buff not applying correctly
  • Some accounts having access wrongfully restricted
  • Server Stability

Is this field boss or instance boss?

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obviously it is just quest boss

no idea ~ doesn’t have the drop information. 2nd link have… but listed as a basis boss||wr_content&stx=리테리스&sop=and

But it’s drop a blue box.

TY @Gwenyth
So it’s really a boss(?field boss) monster.
Hmm I should call it mini boss then :smile:

I was wondering if hidden classes are able to go to C2 and C3. If someone could test this as a Chaplain I would be very grateful

Are there any benefits of running a dungeon solo? And is it even possible to run the lvl 50 Dungeon solo with a lvl 60 Hoplite? I know there is a huge focus on party play in ToS. But I can’t seem to find someone on my level to do the lvl 50 dungeon with…

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Ok… any idea on how to find someone english speaking to team up with for lvl 50 dungeons?

Also i am currently stuck on an orsha main quest in novaha annex (lvl 45 map) where i have to do something with a huge thing with a red glow on it. Next to it are like 2 lamps i can dmg but not destroy because they regenerate so fast. When i interact with the red glowing thing it just pushes me back and i take some dmg… I see a lot of people struggling here with this quest…

This is the final (second) boss on level 217 instant dungeon. I am sure it is correct because i have played level 217 instant dungeon and killed this boss several times on Korean Test Server.