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same bug I found in icbt2…

Do you guys know what this symbol (bluish one) means?

Ingame WorldTrigger on Val its my team name

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I just got this but I have new clue what it is.

It’s a monster gem. Depending on the gem, it gives +1 to a certain skill.

We had that in iCBT. :smile:

if i am reading right today, Energy Bolt + 1 skill lv ( to add to what celov said )

Can’t enhance plus I’m a Archer… so useless…

You can upgrade any gem from lvl 1 to lvl 5 using a single monster gem (or at least you could in icbt2, not sure about kobt), so it’s not that useless.

you can use it as fodder material under the gem enhancement, it should still give 18,000 exp or whatever it was to gems

Oh snap… 18,000 that’s a lot. If I use the gem, would I get the skill even though I’m an archer?

*Edit it only gives 7350 exp for gem enhancement.

no, you need the skill to benefit from it. and also have it lv 1 at least ( it will have no impact on a mage with lvl 0 energy bolt )

Twas 15,500 worth of EXP, actually. :cake:

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Thanks for the report. It seems this account is Nexon Test account for checking the bugs in live server.

I will check it again with KOperation.



If that’s the case it’s probably in relation to reproducing the players who were exploiting the quest monster experience bug


Problem with putting in collection items
Video Footage

Description: If a collection requires to collect more than one item of the same kind, even putting in one item will automatically fill up all of the blank slots (of that required item).
However, the real number of that item in the collection stays the same (1/total).

With the example of the 9 Red Gem(s) collection, you can see that it shows that the collection has been completed even with just 1/9 Gems, but the stat bonus (Eva+1) isn’t added to the player, quite naturally because it’s not truly 9/9 yet.

Sorry in advance if this has been reported and solved before :smile:

Hi, just writing a post to say i have attempted to clean the poor display of the translations i wrote. I have created a pastebin account and placed the notes in one place, i hope it has more clarity than before - i have tried to remove any excess comments that surrounded some lines. I also tried to give credit too - if i missed, please send me a message !
I believe i’m still missing a maintenance, but i’ll search it tomorrow, here is the link to the page and the latest patch.

[ OBT Notices ]

[ 31/12/2015 Translation ]


woo im finally close to 130, i need to run dungeons for exp
and i need a network of dudes to recruit :smiley:

add me on vakarine
ign: Azure

Seems like market items now have a lower and upper price limit.

Need some help with skills. Is there any way to reset the skills you select in the kOBT?

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