Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Thanks. I assume its the blue bottle in the cash shop?

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Any guides on how to actually purchase the nexon cash through korean site to then convert to TP using the guide already on forums?

Yeah, itā€™s the Blue Bottle.
EDIT: Gimme a min.
EDIT 2: I stopped making instructions with my MLG paint skills when I found this:

With this card:

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Is the client crasing a lot for anyone else? ;-;

Nada. Open up Task Manager and make sure your CPU Usage isnā€™t being pushed to the limits (By BlackCipher.aes). Also, any macro-like program or process running with the name ā€œhackā€ in its name will make the client close down when itā€™s discovered, even if itā€™s not in use.


Someone actually reads this forum.

Tought you all hibernated for the Korean Versions Support atm xD.

who did you think has been deleting those kotorious posts

about those token, does it activated upon purchase from market? or can you keep it for use later on?

Could anyone possibly help me get to Orsha? Im only Lvl. 36 at Tenent Chapel but a couple levels behind the mobs.

Vakarine, IGN: Official

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You can hold onto it until you decide to activate it yourself.

You can buy Orsha trading scrolls from the sexy Brunette Item NPC in Klaipedia. for 500 silver.

Thanks so much.

/20Chars =.=

you can even buy them from the market ā€¦ player market.

These items can be sold for silver.

Atm it seems to go around 1mio silver.

WHICH is incredibly cheap.

It isnā€™t. Thereā€™s no hack nor anything like that. It just stops responding when Iā€™m walking and get near npc (rare). Killing a lot of monsters and then it hangs for minutes. These things are happening a lot since some days ago ;-;

Assuming your CPU usage really isnā€™t going up at those times the game freezes/hangs (Run it in Windowed mode with Task Manager constantly up on the side of the screen and wait for it to occur), do this:

And if that doesnā€™t change anything, change your settings to this (And turn VSync Off)

If that still does nothing, re-install time. :c

New event coming? Can someone translate, please?

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Event: New Yearā€™s Attendance Check!

You can attend once a day! Even if you do not attend every day, you can receive a variety of items. Receive a Skill Reset Potion for 15 consecutive days!

You can find the event page here!

  • Duration: 7th of January (Thursday) until 4th of February (Thursday) after maintenance.

  • Event Participation: All users are eligible as long as they access within the event period.

  • Event Details: Details are as follows;

  1. Check attendance at the event page. Click the [Attendance Check] button. (Itā€™ll be labelled as [ģ¶œģ„ģ²“ķ¬] on the page, thereā€™s one under every item!)

  2. Select the server you wish to receive the item on from the pop-up, and then confirm to receive your item.

  3. After logging onto the game and connecting to the correct server, you will be able to obtain the items from your Barrackā€™s Mailbox.

Item list is as follows:

Day 1 - 5x Resurrection Crystals
Day 2 - 5x Concentrated HP Potions
Day 3 - 1x Dungeon Reset Scroll
Day 4 - 1x Experience Tome
Day 5 - 1x 10 TP Gift Token
Day 6 - 5x Resurrection Crystals
Day 7 - 10x Concentrated HP Potions
Day 8 - 2x Dungeon Reset Scrolls
Day 9 - 2x Experience Tomes
Day 10 - 1x Dragonfly Armband
Day 11 - 5x Resurrection Crystals
Day 12 - 15 x Concentrated HP Potions
Day 13 - 3x Dungeon Reset Scrolls
Day 14 - 3x Experience Tomes
Day 15 - 1x Skill Reset Potion
Day 16 - 5x Resurrection Scrolls
Day 17 - 20x Concentrated HP Potions
Day 18 - 5x Dungeon Reset Scrolls
Day 19 - 5x Experience Tomes
Day 20 - ???

Event Notice:

  1. Items are acquired with accordance to the amount of days attended. (i.e. Attending 15 days awards the Skill Reset Potion.)
  2. Items will be awarded only after checking attendance successfully.
  3. If attendance check has been successful, you can receive the items in your mailbox on the correct server.
  4. The items will stay in your mailbox until 11th of February (1 week after the event ends) so claim them before then.
  5. You can only receive event items for one server, which is the one you specify when attending.
  6. Attendance checks start from 6AM (KST) each day.
  7. You cannot check attendance from the Mobile version of the website.
  8. The Day 20 item will be released at a later date.

And that should be all the event info. Clarify if Iā€™ve missed anything out and Iā€™ll rectify it. :wink:


It isnā€™t high CPU usage. The game is already at low mode. I donā€™t think I need to reinstall it (no reason to do so) .-. It doesnā€™t appears to be CPU-usage or too much load related. The game just stops like, for example, when walking to where the Sapper Master is when the map is empty. Maybe itā€™s also a connection problem which causes some code to have thread concurrency issues or something like this.

hello everyone! im new in the open beta, add me if you want, i would be happy to meet some new freinds :smiley: Family name MayMay
Edit: maybe someone should do a list with all the players who play?

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Yo; welcome to the fun. Once you hit 160, replace fun with grind.
Hereā€™s your list:

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