Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

This doesn’t really change the fact that IMC took the wrong path again, I can see more players leaving through this.

Like what I’ve said, if the plan was to buff pelt’s defensive capabilities, it could be an attribute instead, on for % scaling on both, or off for flat on both. No one is really hurt there.

And now with what you’ve said of the future possibilities regarding QS3 change, that will be an even worse case. A lot of people have rerolled to QS3, just by doing missions you’ll know since 3 man QS3 is actually common aside from fletchers.


a lot of good thats going to do to the tanks who have allready been made

cash grab anyone?

a stronger guardian means less damage taken against phys
but the guardian allready was fine , blocks and evasion were absolutely fine lol
it was the debuff that killed the buff

and as it stands there is almost 0 point in being a rodelero
if you want dps , play a dps? if you want to tank? play pelt 3

pelt 3 dopple 3 would probably be an aggro keeping king
and if you played rode for cc
please remember arrest is more cc time than all of rodeleros and pelts moves combined as well as an armor reduction debuff on 16 things
heck even cryomancer is a better cc class
there is literally 0 point in rode

shield dps is a joke concept
(even more crippling to an allready crippled tree) and murmillo is an extension of the joke concept

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Im mad cus I’m stuck at this new authentication request crap. and even the password changes aren’t going through -_-.

I like my Rodelero but he isn’t Pel based.
Throw up restrain, Stun/Slow people and then just lineback them until they’re dead. It’s always felt like Cata and Rodel were stronger PvP than PvE classes (in current environment), given how mobility and CC generally fair in PvE compared to PvP. I got a GW1 Mace/Hammer Warrior basically in my Rodelero, which was the intention. Maybe they hit Pel with more cc buffs in the future, but I think my intent is fairly safe.

you forgot one thing, those pelt 3s probably didn’t take guardian 15/15

They will have to buy the reset themselves because IMC isn’t going to give anything lol.

This is the same case with the priests now(but better, skill reset is in the TP shop afterall), they didn’t get a stat reset from that blessing change either.

Here lies the problem. Until more recently, the only way to tank, was to have HP. But as the game’s progressed, it’s been less about HP and more about mitigation. That means you can get so much more damage, and still be able to tank.

HP tanks have always been utterly useless. They can not do ET because they don’t offer that extra damage the party needs, they offer nothing in grind parties other than taunt, etc etc.

Now that it’s shifted into mitigation through guardian, enhanced armor, cards that enhance def/mdef by %, transcended armor, enchanter buffs soon, as well as more modifiers for damage type such as STR, this change only makes sense.

You can an SHOULD focus on STR as a tank swordsman, while retaining some CON, as opposed to high or full CON. This leads to mitigation by % buffs/cards, transcended armor, etc, and also leads to high damage. If you feel you need more mitigation, you get more STR, and get guardian for % defense.

It makes swordsman tanks more viable, since damage is very necessary as the game progresses.

I do agree with a few things like arrest being less useful, hopefully they rework it a little, but it is good for bosses.


i didnt forget that at all thats what this was implying…

Right, didn’t read that part.

Anyway good luck to your pelt3. At least you get free tp from events to spend for that

now were talking about resets can the resets haters please do something to make the ktos players that quit come back? Or maybe pay for the profits that IMC’s about to lose? But before you do pls explain to the ktos players with your wall of texts on how decisions must be taken seriously in this game when they are making lots of changes in which some of them may break a build and turn it upside down?
rofl its like i said its not for you to decide whether they’ll implement class resets it is the general community mainly because if all the players who doesnt want to reroll quit and you reroll lovers are the only ones who’ll be left to stay then can you guys give enough profits to imc in order for the game to stay alive?

Edited im drunk pls forgive me

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all of those CURRENT changes sound lovely except for the fact you have to pay for your own skill resets, stat resets and there is no circle reset

so basically imc ■■■■■■ the pelt 3 squire 3 full con 100k hp build

its alll of these stupid things that imc does COMBINED that makes the perfect recipe to ruin builds and make people quit

its literally what everyone warns people about when they cry for circle resets

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Yes they did absolutely ruin it. But if you’ve gotten to 280 with it, you’ve already realized your mistake. Your already useless for any end content. Your not useful at world bossing, your not useful in ET, your only place in the game is to open up shops in town and feed people for ET.

IMC didn’t ruin the build/concept more than it was already flawed to begin with.

I think they should give stat/skill resets for major changes, but the changes are definitely good and needed.


yes its a problem with the players that got to 280 and not a problem with the horrid game design being further built upon combined with the 0 mistakes enforcement mentality

do you know the struggle it is to have 0 dps and getting to that level?

no tank that did it pure is going to reroll and i dont blame ktos people for quitting

i might as well have gotten a C1 swordsmen to 280

The point I’m getting at isn’t that the game started with a horrible base in terms of balancing, because it did, and it’d be silly for anyone to assume differently, but that it’s clear as day to see how flawed full CON/high CON tanks are once your 280 and your not just grinding or questing.

Yes I do, I have a 278 full CON pel3/squire3, and a 277 full con hoplite/templar, and another tank on the way except it’s high STR/some CON.

The whole shift that’s going on, is to not have 0 DPS as a tank. Use mitigation and have high damage as a tank. Be useful, not a c pole.

I don’t either, but it’s still a necessary change for the game.

That build was ■■■■■■ to begin with.

Squire is not a tank class. Frankly outside of Arrest, once a minute, it does nothing but buffs.
Specializing in Pel to tank is all well and good, but at the end of the day it’s still 3 ranks to bring nothing to a party inside of dungeons except Arrest, given everything else can be obtained outside, and it’s more flexible for Field grinding maps for long periods of time.

How would that ever be meta?.
Hell the guardian change doesn’t really make it worse, because it’s attack contribution was already next to irrelevant and then you worsen it with Con for reasons I have still to this day never understood.

Im sure the Full SPR swordsmen were disappointed in the 1.2 Block Pen per strength change too, but then again most people had the foresight to realize “This is overkill” and don’t go into SPR. Why that didn’t transfer to CoN I don’t know when the very first quest you get in Lemprasa pond and West Saiuliu Woods, nearly straight out tells you not to go fully into CON.

Not that it’s a main problem, people can stat whatever they want for their characters, but from an efficiency standpoint a full con Squire wasn’t an attractive party member to begin with.

This game does have a problem with not offering skill resets, but IMC is Greedy so what can you expect. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Aspersion has been around from day 1.
The only justification for Full Con was magical damage sources in which there are multiple different solutions (of varying effect) for.
It was always crap, from the get-go.

3 circles for 1 skill

max taunt
because the other skills counter tanking

isnt really any better than

3 circles for 2 skills (well 3 because camp and food buff are both needed to be maxed for full efficiency)

food buff + arrest

to help tanking

and if u max food to be tankier you kill your ability to even make money via shops, i sacrificed my money making to be the best utility support tank i could be and look what it does

my tank is a 2 trick pony as opposed to the regular 1 trick pony tank

should have been a full con cryo/linker and got animus

tanks in general need a HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee overhaul


Attributes aren’t always the solution.
Making a skill that gains 15 levels only valuable for 1 point isn’t exactly a good addition to the game.

I don’t doubt it’ll drive people who choose QS3 crazy but you don’t feel the likelihood?
That Quarrel Shooter that used to be around as damage effective as Cryomancer and Pel, became this single target juggernaut for a time to the point very little care is put for its actual defensive aspects (particularly when it too has a shield specialization attribute), has me constantly thinking something is going to change about it to put emphasis back on its defensive characteristics, and people are going to be unnerved when it happens.


Like most games, aggro is a product of damage, for whatever reason there is no Healer aggro in Tree of savior, which frankly makes life easier for Clerics I suppose.
Provoke is a 6x modifier since it increases aggro 500% from your base 100%.
The damage mitigation of Guardian is very small in contrast to the damage modifier of Provoke.
Swashbuckling in addition forces hate, which means even in the case of low damage builds, temporarily it does not even matter.
This can be a problem for bosses or enemies living to long (which is a problem of team DPS), but as a Rank 2-4 class this leaves ranks
3,4,5 to 7 (and later 8) to pick up some damage sources where you only need to be 1/6th + 1 effective to hold the boss outside of Swashbuckling which is not an unreasonable request.

Again Squires (currently) don’t fair well in dungeons. The class in general is fairly unattractive for parties outside of Base Camp and Foods. Which makes it better served for Field grinding, than instance farming.
This is in contrast to Pardoner which at least has a couple interesting skills to use in a party (increased magic defense and Digul something and or other).
They have buffs but that doesn’t really make them good tanks because everything a squire does can currently be appreciated without the squire in the actual party except for Arrest.
A better tank is C3 Pel into Corsair which has damage (but has conflict with Shield in its attack skills), C3 Pel into Fencer, or C3 Pel into Dragoon or whatever because they well do damage and or have defensive tools in tandem. Which lets them work with Provoke while still encorporating
Yes a class with no damage makes a poor dungeon tank, this is generally how it works in most games except for maybe WoW as what I here (hearsay) they’ve trivialized threat generation for the lowest common denominator.

That’s actually my point.

Are you a pelt 3 looking to get:

You do no more damage anyway, specially Pel3>Squire3 builds, might as well, right? You now get 35% def and 18% evasion with the new guardian. So with the new guardian, 15/15 is now an option

Did you take that Pelt for the evasion?
It’s over, you get -14% damage now, not -14.

See how turning it into an attribute hurts no one? “hurts no one” includes pelt who have no tp for reset because we know imc isn’t going to give anything.

Yes these things hurt, It hit my pardoner the first time they changed blessing into an int/spr scaling skill. I didn’t care, it’s my money maker. But this time they ruined a class that I actually love to play, okay…

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guardian is useless for actual tanks who want to use it because its counter intuitive

guardian is useless for DPS swordies who want to cheese free evasion

Guardian is useless

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not yet, still not in iTOS :imp:

lol @ korean players immediately deleting all their characters when reading the patch notes.
Imagine next week they come out with a patch note that says “we heard the protest of our korean players and changed the guardian skill change from last week to an optional attribute”.
Korean players : “Oh ■■■■, why did we delete our chars?”

About the tanking/aggro problem: I think a good solution would be to add aggro attributes to shield skills (Umbo blow, Rimbo blow, etc) and maybe make swashbuckling have an aura effect that constantly causes more and more aggro in a small area around the player while it’s buff is active.

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Even in iCBT2 I left this skill in 0 when I played pelta/rode… But people thought the evasion attribute was so worth it haha