Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I can’t tho…
I LOVE Drow, kinda the only hero I play really…
But she is countered by literally the entire cast…

“Oh no, the skill that was designed to be used for tanking can only be used for tanking now! My entire build has been destroyed!”


You are actually retarded xD

This is in reference to the Transcendence system that was implemented a few weeks ago. Basically it’s like enchanting your gear further. It mainly becomes a thing involving Saalus Convent Content runs giving fragments to create the stones.

Although many wouldn’t believe it, sometimes the International Server gets certain changes before Korea.

Good Eyes!

This has happened before (Maybe around token shop time)
I don’t think it’s a guardian change that is the root of this, didn’t that skill already make your attack very weak hence people using it for 1 point or 0 in the original place ?

Closeted Red Class, they are not really blue !

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Well, it’s mainly that for defense oriented build the defence was negligible so they didn’t really bother.
Evasion builds took advantage on this as the ATK reduction was also neglible but wanted the evasion, thus they put one point on it (sometimes more as, again, the number were neglegible but more duration).

In short, Guardian now works as IMC seems to have intended from the get go.

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It was pretty negligible before now it’s a % which is BIG!
-15 dmg vs -15% dmg at lvl 1 is pretty goddamn noticeable now XD…

I still don’t think its a reason enough to just rage quit. Guardian affects p atk stat, doesn’t it? the one that cuts damage by half is high guard (c2 skill)
Concentrate got the buff to compensate offensive builds, Guardian now is buffed for defense. Besides, everyone still has their taunt :stuck_out_tongue:

The nerf will hurt more STR than Dex builds :confused:

Their plan might be to turn peltasta into a 100% tank only class.

1 - Every swordsman-only player stops taking it
2 - Peltasta becomes rare, only real tankers want it
3 - People complaining that swordsman dps is lacking
4 - Other swordsman classes get buffed
5 - profit

on a serious note, I took Pelt for most of my SW class because of guardian, not swash. raggggeeeee

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I say it all the time.
Pay attention to classes themes, and watch your backtracking.
Pel is defensively oriented to take damage for other people as an alternative to Cryo’s CC, Quarrels projectile defense and Paladins group defenses.
It’s not going to mesh with certain classes but if you plugged it in just because of a quick “Everyone else is doing it” you may be in for a bad time.

Swashbuckling is there but again if you’re damage oriented do you really want to send 9+ mobs on your ass if you don’t have to when the game keeps rewarding you offensively for not statting Con and the other skills are Shield attacks when you use a 2H Spear/Sword?
Probably not.

Short term thinking brings short term results.
I think players going QS3, Wugushi C3, may be in for a shock too if their focus is running shot.

QS thematically is basically throw up these shields so everyone behind them is safe. Its hard to approach them because of caltrops on the ground, and they’re mobile kiters with RS, but had a lot of CC potential via Stone shot. Everyone remembers how weak they were in PvE prior to the running shot buff. Would not be surprised at all if the Archer C3 Quarrels and C3 Wugushi, Quarrels find it is not favorable as a damage pick in the future.

well they better make provoke actually work because as it stands anyone with enough damage can break taunt aggro from bosses and having buffs that kill your damage to the point of you hitting 1s (even before the nerf)

makes peltasta one of the most ridiculous classes seeing as all of his own skills counter themselves

whats the point?

source : my pelt 3 squire 3 with max in both the pelt buffs loses aggro specifically to wugus and the odd dopple who may or may not have his provoke on regardless of me continuously hitting the boss with my own provoke atribute

basically this buff is pointless

and now its probably more pointless lol


As this game goes through more extreme balance changes (which it needs), the lack of class resets is really going to kill it. Now that IMC is finally getting serious about these balance issues, We are starting to see the ramifications already


Anyway my point is.
The whole point of this class system is to build interesting classes and characters and figure out your own style of play and you may end up in the same class as someone else but the ranks before hand were different depending on what you feel you need to cover your weakness and complement your play style.
And this is what interested me in TOS in the first place…

But with recent updates making things more and more mandatory and seemingly laied out, I no longer feel like an adventurer trying to build my class my way.
I feel like I’m just being told what to do and how to do it, which classes to take and how to play.

But maybe it’s a step in the right direction?..
For me it’s starting to feel like they could’ve just replaced the class system with unlocking a new set of skills for your base class every few lvls…


Provoke means you literally need to do only 1/6th +1 of the top DPS damage to maintain aggro, without Swashbuckling.
So even if you only do 20% of the top dps damage, Provoke will maintain aggro. It’s not that hard to justify for them and as far as bosses go, you generally should be prioritizing active mitigation over passive mitigation in those cases anyways since their moves are almost always telegraphed, which means skills like Guardian are less valuable in that situation.

As a Doppel player. I’ll throw provoke on purposefully in missions because most of these Pels want to C block when they could just Jump slash and still do damage. Take their aggro, come in 1st or 2nd at the same time. I don’t value them. Worse with my Rodel since 15 Pain barrier means with my Shield and Aspersion I’ll just eat the boss attacks through my DPS with no ■■■■■ given.

Provoke is great boyo, Huge aggro boost.

Basically this.
While I do absolutely welcome some of these changes, there are things that completely destroy builds being thrown at us.

And for the idiots like me who tried to play TOS the way it was ment to be, it seems we are being forced to reroll like:
“Look I’m sorry that you thought you could make up your own build with a class system specifically designed to do that, but we want to change the focus of the game so I guess it sucks to be you~”


see the thing is , if u want the hp to be able to handle taunting 22 things

you sacrifice your damage

and then you get the buffs which sacrifice more damage
all the while other classes are getting more damage
and then you reach the point where you can lose aggro lmao

i can be spamming skills 100% of the time and still lose aggro

even if i had put str

the fact that there is buffs that counter your very point of your class is retarded

oh man and squire arrest? its a lose aggro button , because to snare you cant auto

so the moment that snare is done you have lost aggro

OH and lets not forget your moves are BOOSTING the other players damage

because pelt armor debuff and arrest armor debuff
so you can help the other players steal aggro from yourself making more of your moves counter productive!!!

so there is that too


Hello again guys, Just thought i would share the new Lodge UI since i have been able to get in game. As you can see there is now 2 Pages that hold character slots, IMC mentioned 2 weeks ago that character slot capacity would be increased, and so each page can contain up to 15 characters. You can also move characters between the pages. ( Via that yellow rectangle )

The Channel List Selection now shows the population numbers of people in your area before logging in. Other than that, the lodge UI hasn’t changed very much.

( Might make a thaumaturge :smiley: )


@Gwenyth is this real life?

-Leather Something: Looks like adds damage to leather targets when attacking with Strike
-가죽 속성 방어를 가진 적에게 때리기 공격시 추가 대미지(original)

-Plate Something: Looks like adds damage to Plate targets when attacking with Slash
-판금 속성 방어를 가진 적에게 베기 공격시 추가 대미지 (original)

Is this just fantasy?

However you don’t need that much health and changes to Guardian for instance are only making you need less.
Once damage hits 1 in general play, health becomes trivial.
A stronger guardian means even less damage taken.
There’s one area of the game where you’re going to actually feel a pull for more health which is ET, but if you’re mitigating more damage, your effective health is going up anyways.
The Sooner you can negate damage to 1 the better right. An easy source of damage for Pels is Fencer, but since you went Squire you’re naturally going to struggle because you have 3 ranks where no damage coming in.
Which means emphasis on killing things while they’re forced to attack via Swashbuckling and not after. Fine for grinding, poor for bosses, sometimes your choices are going to make you weaker at another area :sunglasses:

Yup @ both.

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Thanks, gotta Cyclone plates too now :imp: