Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

A google translate, but it should be fairly easy to tell what this means.

“stand pentyne” will be added to the attributes that give all kinds of melee + 100% bonus damage on. If another warrior class in the party, let’s properly utilize this feature.

This is on DragoonC2. This is pretty damn paramount to absolutely mulching anything that’s a boss. It’s not a “Quickcast”, but this R8 was absolutely needed to revive the spirit of Swordies.

Edit: In actual translation, Serpentine is the attack getting the debuff attribute. Which is good considering Serpentine’s multi-hit nature.

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… looks like im going lancer for that cool gap closer…

Duh, that’s the whole reason I’d like to have rank 8 information introduce, without that information scout c3 cannot take any rank 7 class without worrying about screwing up build.

But right now I’m gonna ignore you because rank 8 swordman looks AWESOME!!! :heart_eyes:

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Given the steady decline of players this game has had in 3 months by the time rank 9 would come there would be approx. 400 people per server, rank 10 would be about 150 people per server. We are already down to 1-1.2k per atm, with a large % of those being RMT, if rank 8 doesn’t attract/bring back a good amount of players we will not make it to rank 9, just a fact, nothing to white knight. IMC cant pay their bills on hopes and dreams.

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Fencer tho!
It may or may not be good… depending on how much crit dmg is gained and how much crit res is lost…
But imma keep my hoped up and stay hyped!

-EXTRA DAMAGE ON CRITS if off hand a dagger!?
-A (tiny) GAP CLOSER!!!



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Ladies and Gentlemen, after seeing the swordie posts I decided to see if I could fix the lag issues by tinkering with the .exe of the korean version itself, to my surprise there were major fixes that were very easy to do such as removing checking of “c:\r1_kor” and “c:\r1_kor\bin”, removing major amounts of rubbish and even enabling something which I’m certain is a dual-core feature (found thanks to Granado Espada).

Unfortunately despite all that, the game still runs like s‏hit, so for the next few days I’ll be seeing if I can check any ways to muffle out or at least try to make the game send less garbage to the server and receive less garbage in return.

Also, has anyone here bought the soundtrack they released digitally in Korea? I’m looking for higher quality OST to test something kind of important out, but I really don’t want to bother with any other kind of music aside from the originals in high quality. Thank you.


faints with you doppel and fencer is <3

Damn dat fencer doe. So what happened to the other 2 Swordie Classes? Matador/Luchador?
#Glad2haveC2Fencer :sunglasses:

I want a Murmillo now but I can’t think of a good build.

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Pelt 3 seems lackluster tho. My interest is PvP, specially guild battle.

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Or you can just take murmillo 1 for every non-mounted class (assuming most of their skills dismount you) for the PvP utility it might provide for as long as you swap weapons.

It might be a pvp buff for every swordsmen who can take it and can swap to a shield, and an even better buff for shield-dominant builds like rodolelro. That gapcloser is beautiful, but the helmet is ugly please IMC give them and PD an attribute to remove the helmet visuals and turn it into a giant icon on top of their head showing “Hi, I’m on Beak/Murmillo Mask”.

Sword 3 pelt rode 3 murmillo would be the build for you :smiley:

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IMO the best offensive build is Pelt -> Highlander -> Rode3 -> Doppel -> Murmillo. Even at rank 7, Cartar Stroke continues to be a phenomenally strong strike-type skill. It’s multi-hit with inherent 150% attack scaling - with Deeds of Valor and the double strike debuff from Rode it hits for insane damage. Plus you get cyclone from Doppel, and another strike skill for icing on the cake.

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Tbh Cartar Stroke is pretty much useless after the nerf since it takes too long to charge and the dmg is not even dat great either. After rank5 my high3 has rarely used cartar stroke…

That’s where High kick comes in, and the good thing about cartar is you only need at least 3 charges of it and it’s good (so HL 1 is already good for it and you get Crown as a bonus), the issue is hitting with it (especially in PvP).

Helm is canon equipment of murmillo, if delete this one we can rename class for “another man with shild”