Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

So glad I rerolled to a spearsair this time. Lancers are lovely.

I’m sure it’s different in WoW (I was never a long time player of that game) being such a Western MMO, but I think anyone who’s played a lot of Korean MMOs can attest to the fact that jumped characters are never competitive with characters that were legitimately leveled to that point. Jump-to-high-level events are pretty common in most Korean MMOs I’ve played, but they rarely give you more than a token amount of gear.

myrmidon has a wear - hat skill ( like PD )

  • 대신 활과 마법을 포함한 원거리 공격에 대한 블록율이 상승합니다
  • The block rate rises for ranged attacks, including a bow and magic instead
    lol now swordman can both break and block magic , wizards are gonna cry in pvp :joy:

I stopped reading at the wugushi part

Is it true that hidden class only have C1? and wont ever have C2 or C3? Can someone provide some links regarding this? Thanks!

Holy ■■■■ what is this new doppel skill that hits like a thousand times

General impression: Holy crap all the AoE sizes.

Doppel c3 - I planned to get doppel c2 anyway so this is just great. Although I question whether Deed will be too strong with lv 15, since the negative side of it (defense reduction) probably won’t affect you past lv 10 (at least I don’t think you can drop defense to negative, since Barb’s Warcry can’t even on low level mobs)…well, maybe IMC will just leave it at lv 10 max which would be perfect spot anyway (100% up time)

Fencer - No comment.

Murmillo - welp, the fact that it has to wear that hat means I’ll probably never make Murmillo. Although at least this is probably what Squire 3 will go into (assuming they plan to even level the character at this point)

Lancer - A part of me want to scream IT CAN BREAK FROST CLOUD. But in practice it’s probably a question of whether it can break Frost Tree/Raise instead.

Apparently it’s attribute to add more hits to Redel/Zucken. (not sure if both or just one of them)

its redel and zucken
they increased the hit counts

Me reading the Swordsmen R8 extensions:

@bloodygear21 All hidden classes seem to have only one class circle. I alas don’t have any confirmation, but based by logic Rune Casters and Chaplains don’t have extensions. But they never said anything about multiple hidden classes.


I’m ready for the Wizard Tears, that freaking Lancer…

Doppel simply looks the coolest class ever now. Dragoon C2 looks cheap, Templar finally looks like it’s becoming a decent class.

Thanks bruh!. Guess ill have to wait for another dataminer then.

Oh, alright. I assume that’s also a Punish attribute on display there?

Wow doppel c3 seem really good!

Looks like lancer is purely for pvp/gvg build

If you are cata lancer is a must i guess

yes I guess it is.


Yeah it really does seem like it’s just an extension of Cataphract. I don’t know why they decided this needed to be a class instead of just a new hidden C4 Cata class the way Chaplain is C4 Priest.

FencerC3 looking clean.
Doppel updates look exactly like what the class needed.
Dragoon is pretty nice too, no big feelings admitedly.
Lancer looks about what I expected, PvP boiz.
Murmillo is honestly surprising me with it straight up going ‘‘Alright guys, we knnow Shield swordies suck right now bUT LOOK AT THIS CRAZY ■■■■ NOW’’.

Shield Shinobi Murmillo hype katon stealth bumrush train of synchrothrusting goodness.

Doesn’t look much different to me. Doppel gets a few new toys and will still do 1/3 the damage of a wiz/ele or 1/2 the damage of a good archer. Rest are just tank and pvp gimmick builds. A terd with sprinkles is still a terd, not sure why people get excited so easily.

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it’s nothing new, we still do ■■■■ dps yes. at least we will look cool in doing it. lol anyway most swordsman has already re-rolled to meta builds or other classes. most swordsman playing right now is just because of the love for the class.


God I know the DPS situation for Swordsman isn’t particularly the brightest but they clearly didn’t intend for it to be a main DPS by any means at all, just brush it off already you all geez.

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