Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

I don’t even know why we call them “Swordsman”, it should be renamed to Warrior or something.

The stupid thing about Shinobis using spears is that so many characters in the SWORDSman class use spears already.

If IMC wanted another spear user, they should have used something else besides Shinobi. Not that the game needs more spear users anyways.

Arguably, Shinobi should have been used for a lot of other things besides what IMC decided to use it for. Hell, even the Shinobi questline and the shinobi master’s dialogue (both focusing on the stealth and speed of the shinobi) disagrees with how the class plays (burst DPS with bombs and clones and throwing knives!!!).

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Shinobi ain’t got ■■■■ all to do with stealth or assassination and Corsairs don’t get pirate ships, the world is full of injustices. You can turn invisible and use special shinobi-only katanas and wakizashis if I can have a pirate ship. A flying pirate ship.


Swordsman doesn’t start out with the ability to use spears though. As a class, it is fairly accurate outside of being able to use Rods and Maces. We just use Swordsman as a generalization of a similar base that everyone starts with. Not because it defines the class as a whole.

Only 3 classes of the Swordsman tree specialize in the use of spears. That’s 3 out of 14 or so classes. Just because everyone takes Hoplite, Cataphract, or Dragoon, doesn’t mean that there are to many Spear classes. It simply means that Spear classes (or just the weapon in most cases) is to good to pass up.

They never made them a spear user though. Players are making them into spear users on the whim that it’s a good option with their pierce attacks. If Mijin worked as blunt damage as opposed to them making all of the typing homogeneous, nobody would be talking about them as a “spear” class.

Burst DPS = The Speediest and most actively evasive type of DPS
Swordsman is the only class that can run.
Mijin/Katon: Gives invisibility.
Ninjas did have make shift grenades.
Clones - Cool concept and a popularized idea.

It feels like the description fits.


Yes you’re right, there are only 3 classes in the swordsman tree that specializes in spears. However, it is as you say that spear classes and spears in general are too good to pass up. Spears are inherently better than swords based on how the game was designed and how swordsman were designed in general. If we look at the rank 7 options for swordsman, we have:

Dragoon - Obviously a spear user
Corsair C3 - Spear lunge boosted lvl 10 hexen dropper = too good to pass up
Shinobi - Same as corsair c3, spear lunge boosted kunai x5 = too good to pass up
Fencer - arguably does well with spear since more than half their attacks are pierce
Doppel C2 - the only class that doesn’t inherently have spears in mind, but depending on the rank 8 options ie. Lancer, lvl 10 DoV and cyclone by itself may be worth it considering Dragoon isn’t exactly spectacular

Basically, although only 3 of 14 classes specializes in spears, if you wan’t to be a dps swordie you almost have to go spear.

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Just buff the “Sword” path in swordman tree to be better

then may be its will stop the spear overlord build (or atleast swordie be viable)

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Can… can you guys just make a topic on this and shove it to the side?
For real.


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Question for only those that play on kToS (about Team Battle League & GvG 15v15)

on Team Battle League:

so, equipments we use will not all carry on during fights?
i’ve been searching and that is the only answer i’ve seen so far.

would like to know if it’s actually the case, does it also include accessories or it’s only limited to a few bunch? also refinements with gems? awakening? attributes?

because if only certain equips/rules are allowed, then +hp bonuses from equips/gems will not be of use

is it the same case on GvG 15v15 or it’s the same rules like that of open world GvG (no equipment restrictions, nerfs and mechanics still applied according to announced changes)

You can’t use any fencer skills without a rapier. But Hoplite2 is still the best Fencer build just for Spear Lunge. Spear Lunge and Finestra are the primary reason spears are generally preferred over swords; and additionally 1h spears are particularly preferred over swords (but not rapiers, generally) because most higher level 1h swords suck.

I really would like to play a sword/pistol Corsair but it just seems like a complete joke compared to spear because spear lunge is just that strong.


They buffed Sword side on KR with Cleave acting like Spear Lunge.It’s actually even better,since you can get just 1 circle of barb for that instead of 2 of Hoplite

cleave buff, also have a lower cd than spear lunge, and 3 overheat too.

The real reason spears are so dominant is Templar’s fault. The entire situation of Swordie being ■■■■ dps is also Templar’s fault.

When other clasdes get true rank 7 and you get 1 stupid gimmick class,1 spear specialist…oh wait,u also get a cool hidden class which it’s best gimmick is also spear build oriented…

This will get even worse with rank 8, i expect massive nerfs(i mean,best skills going to circle 2 to limit max level and the such) to Rank 7 classes once they get a C2. Templar C2 may be really good,but still gimmick class…

P.S: WHen people complaining “Hoplite isn’t must have for SHinobi anymore,i’ll have to remake” will notice Synchro trusting is a buff to them?

Lack of law enforcement is not an excuse for lack of morality…

and as for moderation… Would you like it if @STAFF_John have some fun deleting all the off topic posts :smirk:


There are people that troll and doomsay, spewing lies and hoaxes daily, and they never get banned.

What makes you think they will delete some off topic posts?
Just look at this, it’s so pathetic,yet it’s been going for months:

It’s actually daily,unrelenting trolling and these are just the topics started by, he also keeps spamming doomsday threads on whatever topic is popular on that day.

Isn’t it obvious why…

don’t you see the huge diiference…

It takes less effort to do what I said that what you said and edited/added

well at least he´s playing the tos forum game \o/
at least it work properly…and you can have some fun i guess /o/

“sword” path isn’t the only thing that should be buffed. I agree that builds based on using sword weapons/sword classes should be buffed to make them as strong as spear builds/spear classes


Sword weapons overall need buff/rework… Sure there are nice 2handed sword but compare 1handed swords to 1handed spears… not only spear oriented builds (NOT only classes) deal more damage but they also have better and stronger weapons.

Magas Sword? pathethic joke since it gives stats that are quite odd for Sword based builds. lots of crit damage when non of “sword” path have “Finestra” type of selfbuff.
Evasion? When you think Evasion and Swordie then you see Fencer but they use Rapiers not 1handed Swords.
HP? that’s the ok stat on that weapon

Trinity Sword
STR and acc is the only good stat but again why the hell there is Crit Damage? same issue like with Magas Sword

Bendras Sword
STR, CON, SPR… STR is ok, CON is ok if you are playing tank build without spear based class… but what the hell SPR is doing there?

and again Cirt Dmg? why? how Sword “path” builds are suppose to get boost to Crit Chance to benefit from Crit Dmg bonus from weapons?

Catacombs Blade and Shark Cutter
Shark Cutter is pathethic joke. No usefull raw stats or damage bonuses just bleed passive. While Catacombs Blade is also crappy joke when you compare it to other Cata weapons specially Club or Pike. Sure it gives the bonus to plate armor targts but that’s all… Block pene is situation in PvE and it’s more useful in PvP and soon™ STR stat will give block pene anyway

exactly. Rank7 is pathetic joke in Swordsman class…

Shinobi totally should get 1-2 Slash type skills. Rank 7 shouldn’t be purely oriented on spear weapons/spear build path to bring 100% from those classes. I understand Dragoon but why Shinobi also is “go spear or go home” class?

Give Shinobi Slash version of Kunai: Shurkien Throw and maybe make either mijin or katon deal slash damage (althou I doubt that someone would still risk getting mijin with that stupid self damage). It would open more paths for strong sword builds that would be as good as spear ones.

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So Fuking whiny.

"Shinobi has a pierce damage skill, its not fair to Slash type!"
Some of you are nuts.

It seems IMC agreed it wasn’t “fair”,since they gave Clones more access to both Slash and Strike skills now.They still threw a bone to Hoplites with Synchro.

But this brings another problem:

Templar players will simply go C2, they already “ruined” that character for the class,so it’s inevitable(Maybe IMC’s masterplan involves making Centurion a Templar C4,like Chaplain is to Priest).

Dragoon will probably be nerfed to “force” people to go C2,like happened to most prior max rank classes.

That leaves Shinobi builds REALLY strong because rank 8 simply becomes all the way more enticing.