Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

You know, Shinobis and more generally Ninjas actually used Bow and Arrows since they’re more of the quiet shadowy theme. They’re not only just bladed weapons, they’re just more thematic. Just as how Pirates (Corsairs) could thematically use pistols. Honestly Swordsmen suffer quite largely from incompatibility: You're either a Spear user or not a spear user, basically. The amount of routes you can go if you want a Spear is vastly larger than routes you can take without getting Spears, because they aren’t backwards compatible.

Honestly I’m all for interesting ideas and more compatibility. If someone wants to turn into a Kamikaze Tanknobi then who’s to say no? The stereotypes of a class? Mijin and Mokuton are decent skills to utilize as a tank as well, giving you some evasion as well as burst damage.

And don’t tell me if there was a Magic Knight Wizard class people wouldn’t jump on that ■■■■ instantaneously.


Just… stop wathcing anime alright.
That’s as much of a tip as I can give you.


So my corsair uses a spear because she was a whaler and turned to piracy eventually. Does it make her less piratey?

Tbh concept of shinobi is based solely on Naruto, sorry. It can also use Nodachi, which is a twohander sword. Lol.

Please stay on topic guys.


Sorry Gwenyth. If I may ask, how did the server merge go in kToS? In terms of reception, I mean.

sword, short sword, dagger and katana were the primary weapon choice of Shinobi/Ninja

they were using also throwing weapons (shurikens and kunais) and utility weapons like hooks on rope for climbin, kusarigama (and/kama + chain), small bombs filled with random type of powders (explosivws, blinding, paralyzing or poison), very short bows and darts.

How do you even imagine elite, trained spy/assassin running around with huge ass shield and spear that lowers his ability to move fast and quietly so they can eliminate their targets or do scout/recon/sabotage missions without being detected?

Shinobi as tank or just the fact that Shinobi is primary Spear using class is a sick disgusting IMC fetish that’s offending ancient Japan culture.

Beside… why the ■■■■ Shinob was made as a class that’s works the best with spear and Hoplite if there is already Rank 7 Spear based class (Dragoon) and soon Rank 8 Lancer that will make spear Shinobi even stronger?

Why Shinobi don’t have Slash skills that would be alternative for Kunai? Sure you can play and make those silly builds with Clones and Highlander/Swordsman skills but you will never be able to reach the same damage as Hoplite/Corsair/Shinobi with Spear Lunge -> Kunai x2 together with clones and then Hexen x2

You could achieve it only if Shinobi had slash based skill or attribute to change Kunai damage to Slash

exactly… IMC and their Spear fetish RUINS diversity in Swordsman class.

they should just have 1h and 2h weapons. they could even add in two handed hammers then.

The merge itself was fine, (most) people were happy with the result of the poll since players voted on what the server should be named. The general reception of the balancing changes was quite mixed. there was some funny (but negative) responses too.

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im just going to leave this here

Shinobi used whatever weapons they had access to, as they were improvisors.

One of the most famous ninja assasinations of all times likely used a spear.


Ok… now let’s remove the ability to equip blunt weapons from Swordsman and disable skills if the equiped weapon doesn’t match the skill damage type.

You got a point by saying that ninjas shouldn’t use shields or spears however those aren’t added to the class itself, that could be the case if they added a spear/shield attribute nor skills that can’t be used without equiping those gears, and that isn’t happening.

If you want get the that strict to the themes you limit the class to equip 1h swords and daggers… i guess Corsair would be the only class that suits the theme.


No, corsairs are pirates, and should therefore cause the character to be unable to take the shinobi class.

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You realize what a massive anachronism this game is, right? You have cannons in muskets on a battlefield with bronze shields and spears.

You want an accurate ninja? Okay. You’re barely trained in fighting, you’re not really armed for it, if anything sees you it will just kill you, and your primary method of killing something is poisoning their food. Sound like a fun class to play?

If you want a fantasy ninja you’re not allowed to take issue with the creator’s interpretation of a fantasy ninja. In their world a ninja can be a wizard that throws giant boulders at people.


Any particularly fun response that comes to mind besides the classic ‘‘somethingsomething game is burning/dead’’?

Aias ain’t just a bronze shield, dawg.

Well, not that i liked the new skill being a mix of 2 already existing ones (Bwa Kayiman and Summon Familiar), but i am happy they kept Warlock a “melee” mage with a couple of ranged options.

I was expecting to get Sage on rank 8, but he doesn’t fit the “fantasy” i want for my current Wizard, so WLC2 will be the way to go, i guess.

I’m so tired of people that have never been to Japan saying they know ANYTHING about Japanese culture. Ninjas/Shinobi used just about any weapon available during the era that was deemed suitable for martial arts. That includes but is not limited to, Bo Staffs, Naginata/polearm varients, Katana, Blowguns, Sickles/Sickle variants, conceiled arms (such as punch rings), Knives, Shortswords, and a few others akin to chained weaponry, alongside bows and in some cases hatchets.

These were guerilla fighters that used just about anything they were proficient with to gain an advantage against other highly trained men. Samurai didn’t just use Katana. They used pole arms, Katana (and other varients of Japanese Sword), alongside bows, and eventually guns and cannons.

So why in the world would they hold back on weapons they could use? Especially when a spear has an advantage in smaller cooridors and choke points? Or given that spears have a very distinct ranged advantage over a sword. Especially when you consider that they often stored larger weapons on the premises or when you consider that they didn’t only partake in assassinations. Especially since people weren’t dumb enough to let an assassination attempt go through unobstructed 100% of the time. Or when they would need to fight through a compound.

Also, do you know why anime/popular culture in general uses Bo staffs and Bladed weaponry to portray almost anything in combat? They’re quite honestly, the most fun to watch for the common audience member. They’re also extremely romantisized and are commonly the most liked and most known weapon styles to the general public. Alongside being the easiest (from what i’ve been told by artist and animators) to draw with an appealing aesthetic.

Kay, done now.

Back to Ktos updates.


Any news about the other r8 classes?

The DevPosts are prolly either gonna be weekly or one every two weeks on schedulle as per anything regarding news from IMC, so on friday if we are lucky.