Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Eh it’s pretty much asumed by everyone that payed attention that the thing that makes things bigger is for magic circles while the duplicator is for the small stuff like fire balls and ice walls.
WarlockC2 looks fine, people just wanted to see more of the same instead of what we got.

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If Warlock C2 is fine but it’s just that people wanted something else compared to what we got, then the effect still applies. It’s not going to encourage those elememe warlocks to come back.

But again, that was just an example. It applies to pretty much any rank 8 class OR any class buff OR any class nerf that doesn’t just happen to fall in with what a person wanted when it comes to whether or not that change will encourage someone to either come back or to stay. The joy of playing around with a new buff or a new rank (or avoiding the pain of being forced to deal with a nerf) flies out the window if it doesn’t apply to your own class (which will be the case often in ToS due to how many different skill builds there are) and you aren’t willing to regrind up a new character to experience it (or avoid it in the case of a nerf). Class Resets are a potential way of making sure it can apply anyways in spite of that. Otherwise, a lot of the dev time spent on adding C8 ranks and class rebalancing is essentially wasted if it doesn’t encourage people to come back or keep playing because a lot of people don’t want to reroll to experience it.

With both Double Slash and Moulinet being clone-able and crosscut + cleave delivering separate damage bonuses (not to mention it also have Kunai that’s also cloned, Skyliner that’s also heavily boosted, Kartar + Helm Chopper for strike damage and Concentrate lvl 15 for teh lulz), I can easily see Sw3-HL2-Barb1-Shinobi build being one of the best builds around in terms of swordsman damage.

And it can wear a friggin twohander, jeez (it really should stick to it unless shield is absolutely necessary, tho).

Smth like that (I wrote that before Mijin was made clone-able, maybe it’ll rock now, actually… I guess if Mijin cloning will be OP, may take doppel for +DMG).

Eh, I think Sw1-HL2-Hop2-Barb-Shinobi will be better, you get Spear Lunge > Kunai x2 > Synchro Thrust x2 into Cleave > Moulinet > Bash x2

Spear + Shield build of course (Otrava/Ledas)

Both Finestra and Concentrate won’t benefit from Bunshin, unfortunately.

Well that one is nice too, it just that you’ll only buff one of two strikes of synchro and kunais. Double slash gets buffed twice, deals two attacks and has added +35% flat critchance, also have 3 overheats instead 2. Tho beter kunais are fine too. Still, yours doesnt have Concentrate lvl 15, and I guess it’ll give a lot of dmg. IMO. Even with its effect not clonned.

You can convert 50% of the strike hit into pierce for Synchro Thrust via attributes, so its more like 3/4 or 75% of each ST gets buffed by Spear Lunge.

With 500~ str:
lvl 5 Concentrate will be 111 + 80, or 191 damage.
lvl 15 Concentrate will be 126 + 280, or 406 damage.
Difference of 215~ damage.

So its a matter of:
Spear Lunge (buffs Kunai, Synchro Thrust) + lvl 10 Finestra (100 crit rate) + lvl 5 Concentrate (191 dmg)
Double Slash + lvl 15 Concentrate (406 dmg)

Maybe at higher lvl cap the Concentrate buff will win out, but for now I’m leaning more towards Hop2 over Sw3.

is kunai or skill that copy by bunshin also proc concentrate or blessing ?

They don’t.

They don’t even get your normal buffs like Gungho and Finestra based on what a Shinobi told me.

how about debuff ?
like spear lunge, armor break attaque from fencer / pelasta / highlander that ignore def for pierce attack, kunai is a pierce

Debuff is applied to the monster, so all of those will work.

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Honest question incoming:
How many of you who post in this general actually play on kTOS?

All this doom and gloom about nerfs is getting out of hand. We will not be able to see the impact of the buffs or nerfs until they hit the official server. Even then, kTOS patches serve to experiment. They will most likely be tweaked and fine-tuned before the patches even get to us. To spam forum posts whining before the patches even come to iTOS is beyond stupidity.

On another note, those claiming iTOS will meet a similar demise as to the official Ragnarok servers have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about. The main factor in RO classic’s demise was the mass banning and quitting of the hardcore playerbase. Clearly, a much different issue. The parallels only lie in the poor management. What is apparent, however, is that a game cannot survive long without its hardcore players.


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Why all the hate on Warlock C2?

People wanted Edgy Elementalist, basically.

But I admit, I wanna see what Inquisitor and Daoshi (The rumored Rank 8 Cleric classes) bring to the table. I literally named my cleric Heresy so the interest is there.

I actually could if I wanted to, but that ping delay would screw me seven sides to Sunday.

Most likely because the developers have given other C2 classes more interesting skills and mechanics than warlock C2

to me warlock’s spirit train looks really stronk… even if it’s not you’re still gonna be HURRDURR THE STRONGEST WIZARD jk
I just hope sage gets an ice spell so that my ele3 runecaster career won’t be over lmao

i dont think sage will get an ice spell as they are specialized in dimension magic


reading this gives me cancer

what next? Wizard using two handed sword? Cleric using cannon? Archer using rods?

why everyone suddenly forgot about all those badass stylish Shinobi designs based on bladed weapons? dagger+dagger/katana/sword+sword/etc…

since when people suddenly like idea of TANK Ninja or just Ninja using spears? assassin/spy becoming front line meat shield with some long ass polearm/spear weapon?

I’m losing faith in humanity