Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

hahha yeah
I’ve read alot about cyro kino nerf before
yeah still no class reset

too tired to reroll
already reroll 4 times for ninja
Maybe i’ll just pick a Meta Archer build lol

i wonder why they hidden update this clone skills

=.= I didnt include highlander because highlander path would probably the best dps path for shinobi with the update., im not sure though theorycrafting favors all points to highlander path though but why not take sword c3 in your highlander path? Its slash dmg too anyways.

People realize that as new ranks are included, it gets easier to level? They add more quests and maps for the previously highest rank range…

Second, Sword 3 is just fine for Shinobi,they added a lot to Swordie skills, restrain,concentration and Pain Barrier are all skills worth maxing,while Peltasta,Highlander and Hoplite are all balanced by being near circles to each other.

They buffed Swordie C3 so they also needed to give something to swordie other ranks 2 and 3, now Peltastas and Rodeleros can go Shinobi for the burst aswell.

Maybe you can even make a shinobi with two damage bursts types? Sw>Hl2>Barb1>Hop2>Shinobi for both slash and pierce bursts.

Well,it’s kinda useless without knowing the rank 8 choices.

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and people still deny the fact that ToS is still in BETA version and Devs have no clue what they are doing

Actually the “counterattack damage bonus” doesn’t even work with Synchro Thrust. It gets no bonus whatsoever against staggered enemies.

Do they deny that fact? I’m pretty sure even IMC doesn’t deny that fact, since the game is in open beta? You high bruh?

With drastic changes like these, the idea of class reset is possible maybe we (the supporters) just needs to push it some more.? But nah better leave it to the koreans since IMC only listens to the koreans anyways…


That’s why most of you guys are complaining and whining because you always want to play the Meta.If you guys just play wtv you truly wanted without the Meta mentality then the nerfs/buffs won’t change you from wanting to reroll or ask for rank resets.

IMC has proven many times that they will crush those so call “Meta”.I still play all my characters even though they got nerfs or buffs because I love their skill/class concept.And I know TOS is still in the Beta phase and things will get more balance as we go,so I am not worried playing a “weak” build because eventually they might get some buffs there and there in time.If not it doesn’t matter to me because my builds are fun regardless.If you really love your build you will stick by it no matter the outcome.For those who just want to have the Meta build will keep failing on rerolling,demanding for rank reset or simply quit the game because they keep trying to aim for the Meta.


Nothing about the previous Shinobi build was nerfed, if you thought that build was good enough before it should still be good enough. Actually no, it should be even better because SwordsmanC2/C3 got pretty substantial buffs. If you want to play only the absolute best build at the time then… why are you playing a Shinobi anyway?


The ‘substantial buffs’ do not apply to the bunshin clones unfortunately.

O.o no one’s talking about nerfs, best build? If shinobi bunshins copy all skills from the start then I’ll probably include doppel in my build for cyclone… so now I didnt take that path because bunshin doesnt copy doppel but later on bunshin was changed and is able to copy cyclone which I wanted before…? Was it my fault.? No. I should wait for r8 to include doppel in my build then…? My r8 choice is fixed then., but if class reset is present I could remove corsair ranks and take doppel earlier on and still be able to take r8 based classes right? … but nvm im just a meta wannabe

As for why im playing shinobi well its simply because of the bunshin-spear lunge-kunai burst it deals heavy dmg that comes with a price good for pve somehow ok in pvp due to cor2 hook and spearlunge-hexen … needs to be at melee range to use though but that’s where mokuton comes into play… but like I said if bunshin copies all skill I’ll probably build sw2hop2barbdopshinobi for full pve since I really dont pvp that much meta? Yea right…

i am from the future
the new META will be
Swordsman3>Barb4 (yes, there are 4 circles now) > Pied Piper (many dissapointed archers)

[quote=“Jariu, post:8862, topic:125464, full:true”]
If you think that would make poeple try more builds you’d be deluding yourself, people would more often than not reclass to a meta build and you know it.
[/quote] Because this forum and ingame is full of people asking advice for / showing new builds, right?
Because people don’t experiment funky/weird builds on a daily bases on games with “free” respec like PoE and GW2, right?

Meta whores will be the same regardless of reset. People who actually experiment and try new stuff wouldn’t.

[quote=“Noobz, post:8933, topic:125464”]
Do you have any plans to develop a class or rank reset potion?
[/quote]From other sugestions and my personal thoughts it could be something like:

  • 1~3 months cooldown (so it is not spammable)
  • Game remembers how many ranks you had and your class level of latest rank, so you don’t have to grind class level again
  • Rank 1 won’t be reset, you keep class level 15
  • Won’t get previous silver spent on attributes
  • Need to do all advancement quests (after completing the quest you are put at the same class level you were previously for that Rank)

-you were Rank 5, class 7
-reset puts you at Rank 1, class 15, able to select the quest for your Rank 2 advancement
-after completing the quest, you will be Rank 2, class 15
-same process till Rank 4
-after completing Rank 5 quest you will be put at class level 7 (the same you were before)
-all attributes level 0, except for Rank 1 ones.
-can’t reset again till cooldown is over

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Nah thats just some crap people ahve been stuck on because they only “live for today and not tomorrow”

We have so much content yet to be released, things are still subject to change.

i’m normally against resets, and i have already re roll 2 times, one from a fencer rank 7 already and i’m not have all the time in the world like most people will say, i have been playing this since the start of the early access and my highest character is still the fencer.
but i’m still against most types of resets out there but the one you have posted i can begin to accept as player who was against before.
But with only one BIG change that is this one.
-after completing the quest, you will be Rank 2, class 15 <<< IT WOULD NEED TO GO BACK TO 1. yes 1. you have choose to reset your rank, and because that you must grind up again.
many people may say that this would be the same as starting again, but is not because we have exp cards and if the player choose to reset himself not only they would have to pay but also to grind again those class levels, and with high grade exp cards this could become something real and possible, just check the last exp cards from datamining one of them would already put mostly rank 5 or earlier at lvl 15, but this would this mean that the player would have to use them to recover the time lost and also plan their reset very careful since there is a limit for the amount of cards we can get and also add a limit of the main concern that we who are against resets have, that is players reroll their char once their hit end game just to play a different build(difficulty to level build) since they would be wasting exp card because of the level cap.
with this i believe that most players like me who is against the reset , would start to accept it.

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This thread isn’t about resets, or how bloody angry you are about class balance. -_-


Those were some impressive changes on Shinobi. I’m even considering adding it to my Highlandelero build. Barbarians should’ve gotten some love though. :confused:

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shinobi suicide build all clones taunt

taunt 100 mobs


how long ago did ktos release the mage preview.
it be cool for them to highlight a set every week, maybe every 2 weeks. Want to see some archer stuff

yeaa! i wish that they do it every week. they should have preview 1st the swordsman rank 8 tho rather than mages. this game already love the wizard that much and swordsman are still unvalued.