Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Ok lets not ruin this thread this is about ktos updates not class reset petition ty

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You are leveling quite fast.

Wow, such conclusions. Because I have a different opinion?

Learn to argue without resorting to personal attacks. Grow up a bit. Maybe people will start to take you seriously.

I doubt anyone here is interested really.

This post would be ok if not the previous one. You are just trying to have a last word. Better hide under a blanket and cry if you feel uncomfortable with my posts.


LOL after this clone ■■■■
i re-calculate the damage and spear shield shinobi win
i hate spear shinobi and now with shield bullshit
What a cool shinobi with a spear + shield

Player that have Shinobi character before this hidden update really need a class reset


Has there been any balance patch that actualy ruined a build since KToS opened?
At all?
Because I don’t remember anything that goes to that level, maybe the Sadhu speed nerf? People’s feedback on that is very mixed either way (When did this happen anyways?).
When did the Druid thing happen? They backtracked on that but still.


Just because they are korean doesn’t mean they don’t quit games whenever their character is essentially destroyed. Thats some stupid and kinda biased assumption.

Koreans don’t deal with this the same way as we dont deal with this. Otherwise MAYBE, but ONLE maybe, ktos would acutally do good.

Beeing a hardcore or competitve gamer has nothing to do with rerolling 50 characters in order to theorycraft and finally be happy with the result. This game is also terrible for theorycrafting since skill descriptions are not accurate in the slightest. TOS has some of worst skill description of any mmo i have ever seen.

Also no one complains about nerfs, sure they happen, but in a game like tos they should compensate the nerfs. Like Ranger 3 got destroyed with the steady aim nerf, sure the ability was too strong, but come on give ranger 3 something else in compensation. Its one of the worst archer circles in late game now and it forced rerolls into the falcon/circling “meta” and once they nerf circling, ppl will be rerolling or quitting again.

If you nerf OP scaling abilities, then atleast don’t leave a broken class behind or just deal with declining player numbers, as player won’t accept this ■■■■.


Fast? Conclusions? Argue?
I need to grow up? Take me seriously?
All done k. Oh you so cool mister meme

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It wouldn’t happen with a class reset where you lose ranks. I agree a mindless class swapping class reset can’t happen because it is ridiculous to think you can just freely have a class you never worked with… but there are other possibilities…and this game would need it.

If it wouldn’t be that kind of horrible reset that everybody thinks of where you just swap to another class and distribute your points. Then it would have more positive effects than negative.

  • Ppl who would want to could experiment with builds… Now you can’t rly do that…or you have to have a lot of time.
  • Ppl wouldn’t leave because they messed up their builds.
  • Ppl would be less forced to use guides.

It is almost the same to follow guides or always reset to meta… and now if a guide will fail in the long run because of nerf or something… like half of the ppl won’t reroll or continue to play they will just quit…and that’s definitely not good for the game.

There would be a lot less pressure on ppl if they would know there is a redemption if they fail somewhere and that means a lot when you want to enjoy a game.


Yea, I know lots of people that left over lack of class resets in this game. They just don’t say anything about it. Re-rolling a new character in this game is literally torture for some because of how utterly lousy the respawn times are, long the dungeon queue times are, and lame the picking flowers for quests are, and there’s no going back once you’ve decided on something that you weren’t able to play yourself in advance to test.

Meanwhile, even after I’ve asked around, I don’t know any people staying because of a lack of class resets in this game. Therefore the few white knights supporting this thing are probably just a vocal minority (and thus causing more damage to the game than helping it because that’s what the lack of class resets are doing).


I still want one of you tell me when a class was nerfed in such a way it destroyed builds.

While kToS is having this and that…

Oh look Maintenance news for iToS just got posted and… oh… wait… thats all??

Hibernate mode again until major patch is applied…

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Sadhu, for example…hehe

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I have Archer 2 -> Ranger 3 -> Falconer. Steady aim will still give % dmg. Now I need few good AoE circles.

And people here will reroll / demand a circle reset after their build was nerfed dealing 5% less dps.

What if there’ll be enough players who will quit if you don’t give them all premuim costumes for free?

But this is a korean MMO. Some people enjoy grinding to make their character more valuable or making many characters.

And I don’t remember circle reset supporters being a majority.

Implementing it will make an actual majority sad. There’ll be no need to level different builds and players may get bored too soon.


Learn other words.
Sometimes I think those forums enirely consist of white knights / haters.

Not as empty as if there were circle resets. IMC screwed almost every aspect of the game to make this happen though. :confused:

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People is debating that, certainly it is worse than in ICBT2 but it has been like it is now since release.
So no, since the game released not a single balance patch has ‘‘destroyed a build’’.

The only thing that comes to mind would be the removal of the Sadhu tile nerf, where the Sadhu would cast OoB over some sort of ground tile and recieve a damage boost. Some guy back in ICBT2 had a build with Sadhu and Paladin but since it was patched out early on. He supposively quit after he learned the interaction was removed, investment in going that far wasn’t remedied at all since this was early kOBT I think.

Also there’s plenty of games that give barely any compensation for skill tree changes. In this game, it was never about being the most overpowered bloke on the block which some people flew right past, but there is a difference when a class’ hidden interaction is removed. I don’t agree or disagree, but mechanical changes like that should warrant some kind of compensation imo.

Where were you when the forum had a “Say YES/NO to Class Reset” every damn week? In any case, it wouldn’t be as much of a problem if they hadn’t made rerolling much more painful than starting out. You’d only be able to grind if the EXP bonus were high, and even then people would complain about how boring the grind is: hence why they actually made quests slightly more noticable.

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anyone in kTOS have other video that’s show this Clone sh1t is real ?

Why this Shinobi update didn’t mention in their patch note ?
Because Shinobi is hidden class so the update is hidden too ?
f4ck you IMC

After suffering being Swordsman with the lowest damage between all class in TOS
Even harder with no damage taking Swordsman c3 only for shinobi clone
Suffering endless soloing with no party because no f4cking pelasta circle
Now you suddenly change the the skill interaction that ruin most shinobi build
To make it Worst you just hidden update this sh1t

Don’t expect people re roll for shinobi
not like sadhu, kino, cyro. Shinobi is rank 7 class
With Hard Quest Change, spending time to get that flower
and they make it even harder with adding some killing stuff quest

F4ck You IMC
Player deserve better compensation
Especially Shinobi Player
Don’t expect people to re roll again and spend time money silver for f4cking attribute


I guess it rly didn’t happen yet…but actually I still afraid more about new circles and classes …and hidden classes… where I miss out on something because I started something else because there wasn’t a better option at that time… than actual nerfs.

But anyway… I know a lot of ppl don’t understand this but the Blessing buff wasn’t a nice buff to everyone. They made a neutral skill (and kinda the class itself) into an SPR/INT based one. It would be only rly fair now if they would make something scale with STR… like Sacrament.

But maybe fortunately it still didn’t affect builds that much.

hardcore gamers here forgot that they spent thousands of silvers in upgrading attributes… well they won’t be called “hardcore” for nothing right?

How much was the boost it gave anyways? Out of curiosity.
People always mentioned it, but never gave specific numbers.
Either way, people have diferent ways of reacting to things and personally I find going so far is a bit extreme, but for each their own.

@Ayalon Well, it is a an skill from a full support circle with other… three? SPR based skills (With two INT based ones), the raw bonus is still present but they made it better for support oriented builds which is fine.
So really, Monks are the only ones that got a short of off that stick outside of the rare ones that have SPR to make their Stoneskin better an the like.

And if anything you wanting to make a better character when a new class is out is literally the point of a class, making people want to make new characters and thus play more instead of just trowing some money and adapt their already geared character and the like.
The mindset behind this game is radically diferent from others games, may people like it or not is a different tale.

it’s not about hardcore
it’s about useless, pointless
let’s say you reroll with current stat
and then they change the skill again
This clone change not a little change but a huge change
so it’s pointless to play the game