Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

So, nobody would do something silly like make a grinding build, then get to earth tower and switch to an earth tower build, or anything dumb like that.

Heck, if its cheap enough I could see people maining one character and just swapping everything to something new every week instead of making a bunch of alts. “Oh, that new outfit looks so cute! I’ll switch to being psycho 3 so I can wear it”

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We dont need class reset. With a test server will be enough.


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Well, test servers are as a matter of fact far more possible than the magical circle reset as due to certain events that occurred in KTest there’s code for items to make characters jump levels so making a seoparate server in which you woudl be allowed to create characters which would then be provided with these items isn’t a crazy idea.

The hard part comes to the how to manage the server itself, this being it’s maps and channels and possible character interactions, not to mention equipments.

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pretty much right, the time where ppls would tolerate something like this are LONG over. Its not suitable anymore to invest hours and hours into a character only to see him not fitting in the endgame or seeing him getting nerfed and being forced to reroll.

In a game like TOS with so many combinations that is a bad design. They should atleast give out the option to REROLL/repick the LAST PICKED circle.

Most ppl will not reroll a character when they already put it 200 hours into only one character only to find out that certain skills may not work as they have planned, due to VERY lackluster tooltips and description, only to reroll.

An example one my last TOS mates quit when r7 came out and he went rune caster because he thought rune of ice would increase frost cloud damage, But it didnt, despite the skill description just telling us it increases ICE attack. And it only gets worse the more ranks are getting released.

Something like this should never happen in 2016.


“except for deployment magic”

It might’ve been added later after the class got released in kToS, but I’m pretty sure it’s there by the time iToS opened.


If a test server would be made I doubt people would still play the main server , why play the main server when u can get everything in the test server and enjoy duels and gvg just like what we have now that’s something enough to satisfy me well maybe thats just me lol…

What you stated is a fact., modern games with lots of class ranks has it , i see no reason for tos not to have it. Its just sad that these class reset haters aka no lifers just dont know the real value of "time"
Tbh the lack of class reset is one of the reasons why I left and switched back to playing WoW… with IMC nerfing/buffing skills once they decided to fk a class you have in you’re ranks the whole build gets rekt, just like when our nerfs hit ktos im positive that all swords built based on 0 cd skyliner quit the game i doubt they would take the exp tomes nor the skill resets handed out for them to reroll/ fix skill allocation when its not the skills alone but the whole build is the one that got destroyed lol… the idea of doing the same quests over and over again makes people sick and quit the game


no Barbarian or Corsair skills

■■■■ you IMC, just ■■■■ you

they are basically showing middle finger to every barb/corsair/shinobi and saying to delete their character because it’s the worst possible build now. heck they are literally forcing tank shinobi to be viable >.>

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It kinda baffles me that IMC just showed they’re willing/working on adding more skills to the clone’s skill list and the first reaction is condemning them for not giving the skill from THEIR classes.

Did you look at those skills added? With the exception of Moulinet all of them are weak 1 hit skill.

This won’t make your build ‘worst’, you were already stronger than those classes as far as Shinobi goes and probably will remains so, this just makes them more viable (assuming there’s even any High2 Shinobi or Pelt/Rodel Shinobi to begin with)


Nah based on the code posted above the some skills are added for clones to copy and mijin was removed .? ? It still copies swordsman moves which is why sword3 would be a staple part of shinobi ranks once we get concentrate update
, wait till the clones copy cyclone and watch them 5 spin2win shinobi shiznit hahaha

am making a H3:-Shinobi :blush:

so this mother fuckers just have to add a few lines to makes bunshins replicate skills?? and we are stuck with sw3 and some shield classes skills??

and here I though Hoplite 2 was the default shinobi build, for the pierce burst damage.

I know the feeling bro…

Here… let me give u a bro hug…
No homo…

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Yeah, I’ve started an alt for Sw3-HL2-Barb1-Shinobi a few days back. Seems was clearly justified.

to clone -> cleave bonus + crosscut bonus -> double slash

But I think they might as well be adding even more skills to that list, so I’m waiting.

It mentioned it didn’t apply to deployment magic the day the class was available on the live servers in Korea, and that was in December/January or so.

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Assuming all skills are scrollable, which one you’re aiming to get and how much are ya’ll willing to pay for it? Pass? Frost Pillar? These 2 don’t need attribute and they’re lv 5 maximum.

Wow, he brought this shietty whining even here.

Nope, they are koreans, and it was a logical nerf.

This is MMO style. You invest time to theorycraft, level and gear a character and not just: “This class have a nice outfit, I’ll reroll lolz”.

Its just sad that these class reset supporters aka cazuls just dont know the real value of “time”. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

As for nerfs, well … they happens.


Who’s talkin about nice outfit… not me , just you?

Mm what im saying is people theorycraft, level and gear up like u say but the character you invested so much time on gets hit by these nerfs and all u get to fix it is a skill reset…? now ur telling me to deal with it?..

Tbh I just did dealt with it after my sw3-barb-cor2-shinobi reached 240 I rerolled to sw2-hop2-cor2-shinobi since i believe its the optimal build for shinobi atm but once the said build gets rekt by a nerf, I suppose I should reroll again? lmao!, please mister… I dont have all the time of my life to play like you, I only got like 1-2 hours a day to play I still have to work to pay my bills im not rich like you or your dad who pays you’re bills, pretty much I got a healthy social life and fyi I workout in the gym 1-3 hours 4x a week I dont sit and play games for countless hours like you do… so im pretty sure your gonna tell me this game’s not for me because this isnt that casual mmo that I want it to be? Lol

Anyways im not asking for class reset as im done with that part you wanna go up against people who support class reset? Fine go on, do what you believe is right… in the end its up to iMC to decide whether they will implement such feature or not atm all they said was “its a hard task” but they never said it was “impossible”

P.S. that image you posted looks cool :sunglasses:
But you…? Nope I dont think so :pig2:

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