Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

people throwing around the word meta around so much as a sutra on these itos forums is hilarious in itself.

since the itos meta is nothing. All the popular meta builds here are leveling builds, and that’s it. Or world boss which is more of a how much you wanna waste time waiting and checking maps meta.

All these people going “wahh class diversity” where the most they achieve in this game is grinding storage or maven in a group in a somewhat quick manner.

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well the problem is that ET is the only endgame there is, no one cares for pug leveling groups, you dont need a good build for that as a cleric, every pug group can do that.

WBING is very lackluster atm and not really based on good cleric support. Earth tower however will get another 20 floors, its clear that IMC wants it to be the current form of their “endgame” pve.

However i do believe that ET in general past floor 10 should be nerfed in order to promote greater party and class variety. Its kinda nuts atm, only one group in KR have cleared floor 20. All these weapons and armors are just in the game to be looked at.

I agree that ET should take some work to be cleared, but it shouldnt take some uber special snowflake party with over the top class synergies to clear it.

Whats the point of having ET with 40 floors when only 0,1% of the population will ever clear it with VERY specialised builds.



Yea, I suppose that’s true. The true bittersweetness of it all isn’t that the kirvis will have a lolopanther mace on a character that’s bad for everything else. It’s that there is no “everything else” in the first place because this game is just lacking… well, anything else besides ET at the end.

So basically you make a character JUST for doing ET level 20 which has no other real point, or you make any other character just for like… nothing else because there is no nothing else (no such thing as a grinding party at level 280 for obvious reasons and world bossing sucks)

Well, I guess there’s PvP if you’re into that sort of thing. shrug This game just needs more ANYTHING at the end in general, really.

Well, with Rank8 coming out soon means more power available to the players so the first 20 floors of ET will become easier with the time even if they nerf it or not.
Hope the put some benchmark to get to start from Floor20 though, a ‘‘Have a Lolopanther Weapon/Shield’’ is proof enough you can reach Floor20 reliably enough I’d say.

@jchang10931 Earth Tower is literally the one thing in the game that takes efforth and coordinationg right now, everything else can be finished by builds that take a new class every rank if they just keep going forward.

A big problem with ET though is that they swung it too far in the other direction as it is currently, where you need not just a ridiculous amount of effort and coordination, but also a very specific class set right now that synergizes nigh perfectly with every other member of the party. (This is assuming ET 20, because you need ET 20 to complete your ET set. The whole “Almost any class can do up to ET 15” thing IMHO goes out the window when you complete that sentence with “but they will never finish the lolopanther set that way.”)

It’s true that a higher level cap and rank 8 might fix that. …maybe. Honestly at least for the wizard preview I haven’t seen anything there that looks like it’d be capable of doing ET level 20 though. Extra utlity to warlock spirits? Some extra damage on AoE attacks from sage? Extra skeletal archers that will die instantly anyways? All of these things will have to be pretty obscene to compete with unlimited invulnerability and unlimited running shot on a ridonkulously decked out archer.

lama is for monk.

daoshi is different

daoshi = chineese astrology, taoism, priest

lama = buddhist monk

idk if lama is gonna be r8 though, probably not

now I cant stop thinking of all doing max lvl cartar stroke at the same time :3

It wasn’t included in the patch notes, but the skills that Ninja can use with Bunshin no Jutsu were changed. Left is the old skill list, and right is new.


sad cartar isn’t there, but happy that moulinet is :yum:

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Daoshi costume is adorable :3 i’ ll pick it for my monk in any cases, love chinese religion

yeah, support classes synergyse (?) with anything. i dont think lama will be r8, if not i might choose daoshi then, im sure it will have cool skills cuz of its nature,

dragons, and i think there will be a stormcalling skill bcuz there was one for cleric r8 that dataminers found

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For what it’s worth, you only need ET15 to complete the armor set. Even then, due to the mechanism and cost for gaining the essence, it’s fairly unrealistic just in general to do so.

I’d wager that no one has a completed armor set in Korea yet, despite being able to clear ET15.

so the game wants a shinobi that carrying a shield… lol

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the slow progress of ET is also because the game just has a low population.
Nothings gonna happen.

What % of players on a itos server do you think actually stepped foot into ET floor 1, either because there just isn’t any group forming or just not enough people interested. People are more interested in getting their auto finish daily missions and rushing dungeons for a chance at a rare item to sell off.

When my main character was 230, just from regular questing and leveling and barely any time spent grinding my character’s adventure pts placed it in the top 85.

Like I know adventures pts is a weird thing to look at for placement, but I think you naturally get pts for just logging on and doing stuff and leveling.

If I was top 85 on my server just from casual questing and leveling @ 230 over 2-3months
how many people on my server is 260-280 and geared enough to think of earth tower? Or even care.

20-40 people? There’s not enough participants for there to be gradual progress.

this is gold. if shinobis can use moulinet its already sold to me. gonna make one when this happens. XD

i mean is it any weirder than a spear wielding shinobi? lol

Spear and shields are super good things to have in battle, so dunno, if that’s your way of thinking chances are those Shinobis are far beyond your level of skill.

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If you think that would make poeple try more builds you’d be deluding yourself, people would more often than not reclass to a meta build and you know it.