Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

These dudes are killing me with their nomenclature.

guess i was wrong but doing this means youā€™re quests would pile up tons hahaha , tbh im glad they got our nerfs instead of us getting their better versionā€¦ i hate rerolling again for the optimal build, after rerolling 2 shinobis and a 187 QS really pains me to reroll again iā€™ll probably just stay in WoW if they fk the build of my main shinobi

I really hate the idea of Enchanter. Pardoner already causes problems for Paladin, stealing their best skill for anyone to use. Now we have to wait and see what classes Enchanter will ruin. We already know no party will ever need a Linker again - just the idea of everyone in a party having a stack of Joint Penalty scrolls is ridiculous, why would you ever take a Linker with you when you can effectively have 6 Linkers without wasting a party slot? Itā€™s very likely Thaumaturge gets ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  by this as well, however Chrono should be safe because scrollable Pass would be insane.

I just donā€™t like the idea of a class being able to completely invalidate another class, even of a lower rank. Pardoner was bad enough, but thereā€™s way more that could be ruined for wizard classes.


Pardoner was rank 5 and the Barrier change came after, since it didnā€™t inherently have that.

This is rank 8 so given how Pardoner worked, this has a decent chance of being much more disruptive.
I donā€™t feel like they really care for Class balance on a serious level because thereā€™s things they do that just make it harder for them to that job.

but I love the idea because I really want haste & quicken scroll, now my dream come true say goodbye to slow moving lol

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Sage is amazing. Iā€™ll make a Pyro3 Chrono 3 Sage


What about Umbilical Cord? lol.


About the Fletcher changes:


  • Divine Machine Arrow:
    (Old) - Duration of 10s.
    (New) - Duration of 1.5s

They changed the duration of the shock atribute to 1.5s or the skill CD to 1.5s? Durationā€¦ skill or atribute? skill cd?

Umbilical cord will always be a gimmick for very specific parties just like Melstis.

The thing is, the people that actually form these extremely dedicated groups that level up 6 very specific characters to have perfect synergy together and exploit some super strategy to beat 40 floors of earth tower in 10 minutes or something are like .01% of the population. Theyā€™re not even playing the same game as the rest of us.

Well, in the interest of not totally ruining everything, what skills would you make scrollable?

Iā€™ll assume attributes donā€™t carry over.

Everything the base wizard class does is relatively average as a scroll. Sleep might be deemed too strong, perhaps magic missile. But I can totally see surespell being a popular scroll.

enchant fire, for the same reasons as sacrament. Fireball would probably be alright, if there was some limit on skill level. flare would still be worthless. Flame ground and firepillar are pretty strong, even at level 1. Maybe no scrolls of skills that make magic circles? Probably no channeled ones either.

Ice bolt is pretty worthless. Ice pike at level 1 could be occasionally nice for the freeze. Icewall at a cap of say, level 3 would be fine. low level frost shield. snow rolling should probably be off limits. same with frost pillar.

everything by Pole and pressure would be fine in a scroll. maybe not telekinesis.

Youā€™d need a LOT of JP scrolls to replace a linker. I could see them being craftable, but not at a high level. Enjoy your three linked monsters. Physical link is worthless, the other skills are potential problems.

I could see shrink body, swell body as scrolls, nothing else. Maybe reversi if it gets decided that they need to shut down Eles in PvP or something.

Electrocute, stone curse, rain, and a low level meteor.

Summon familiar

haste and a not-maxed quicken. maybe slow. most of the rest are just too strong.


ā€¦I feel like the corpse mechanic may make necro off limits.

Perhaps limit it to rank 5 and below?

Look, another ā€œbasement dwellerā€. :slight_smile:

I was under the impression that Frost Cloud was getting another nerf or was the damage reduction a troll post? Also, letā€™s hope they increase the max corpse fragment count in the near future.

Wiz 3 Ele 3 is the favourite class of most developers, so itā€™s pretty obvious it isnā€™t going anywhere.

Scrolls (most likely) wonā€™t replicate Attributes.

JP Attributes are specifically powerfull (even tho we donā€™t have that many lightning, poison and earth skills), and also the combination with Hangmanā€™s Attribute for lower AoE defense ratio on enemies.

Lethargy needs attribute to be anything relevant (unless it gets hidden combos with other skills besides Earthquake), Thauma Swell buffs are not great w/o attributes, Chrono skills are good w/o attributes but the attributes are very nice as well (so he wonā€™t be useless).

Best skills for scroll are things like Sure Spell and Fire Enchant, which have no attribute or awful ones.

Fire Enchant will be a help to anyone leveling, just like Sacrament scroll, and be meaningless later for most builds.
Sure Spell, tho, is a great scroll in my opinion. Basically every Wizard class benefits from it since even instant cast can be canceled if you get attacked too often during animation, but wasting a full rank just for a skill that can still be countered by ā€œknocksā€ is terrible. (so plz, let us have Sure Spell scrols!!)

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My Sadhu likes the Frost Cloud Scroll.

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Skill is still the same. Just changed the description.

would sage work well with ele3?

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Did you guys stop to figure that maybe they are making the versions similar to make it easier to update? O_O
