Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Frost Pillar doesn’t count as a magic circle. So you couldn’t do it anyhow. Unless they changed something…

How would increasing Frost Cloud AoE range help if it has a cap of enemies that can be hit?

Enemies would get hit sooner, thus die faster, due to bigger range. More room for error.

Except for the fact that the kind of strategy you suggest has a lot of room for errors.

I still think it’s best to keep the pace than just going fully rampaging and aggroing a huge AoE and maybe killing your party because of it.

Official english announcement is up

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It is a magic circle, since you can Capture or Reversi it already

This confuses me so much because in an interview some time last December IMC stated that they plan to rework/remove scrolls because the Pardoner class was wrecking havoc. And now they give the Wizard tree a scroll production class too? Logic.

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Weird, you couldn’t capture it back in Beta… Guess they changed it then.

Homonculus is crafted via Magnum Opus… which leads me to believe it’s an item/scroll used to summon the creature. Now the interesting part will be…

Is that able to be sold? If so it’s like a mini-enchanter supplying the Alchemists combat skills, like a companion of sorts that automatically casts JP and whatever else your Alch class elections may have been.


No, Frost Pillar CANNOT be Capture’d or Reversi’d. Did you get it wrong with Frost Cloud?

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It could be but I don’t think so. I think the homunculus itself will appear and not an item when you finished the crafting process. But we will see.

Also I’m wondering if there are different types of homunculus… With Magnum there could be different recipes for different ones I guess. (it could be just for the looks…or have different stats or maybe different ones would be able to cast different skills of yours…who knows)

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Pardoner can also give attacks.

Its quite possible that powerful attacks get swiped by Enchanter too, after all Joint Penalty is not a buff.

Yeah those were my first thoughts when I read the announcement xD
I mean those scrolls from Pardoners are fu cking up classes like Paladin C3 completly, no one really cares about them because you can buy Barrier scrolls. Just imagine what happens if it will be possible to craft frost pillar scrolls… byebye Chrono C3.

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All new skills and classes seem to be viable and interesting for Wizards.

Tho mixed feelings about Enchanter… inb4 rerolling again to remove Linker from my build (or not).

This homunculu makes me want to build an Alchemist. =w=

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O.o sup how’s ktos atm? i wanna know how they rage over the nerfs lol

They introduced the 8x EXP scrolls so you can reroll faster after a balance patch.

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no offense meant but that 8x exp scrolls would only help no lifers :koala:

8x EXP tome makes it easier for players who just do missions and log off.
Figure the benefit you get now with a 30% Tome doing a mission.
Now make it 800% instead.
Doing a Mission Once with that Tome would you give you more than doing that mission 3x that day without it.
You could basically play 30 minutes a day and level rather quickly.
That helps casual players the most.

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240%, it’s literally 8 exp tome stacked together.

So doing this you have 240% for 1 hour, instead of 30% for 8 hours using the tome one by one.