Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Right forgot about that change good call.

The difference between kToS Skyliner and Wiz3Ele3Warlock is Wizard still has plenty of viable builds. Even with kToS Skyliner pushing every DPS Swordsman into the Highlander tree, they still suck. Skyliner isn’t OP, everything else about DPS Swordsman is weak. Wiz3Ele3Warlock will obviously be the most popular DPS Wizard build because it’s a full 7 ranks dedicated entirely to DPS. There’s no other way to do that unless you do something really wonky like Wiz3Pyro3, because most Wizard classes are pure support or damage + utility rather than pure DPS.

If Wiz C3,Ele C3 wasn’t a thing.
We’d just do Pyro C2, Ele C3 and have the explosion attribute
Cryo C2, Ele c3 and have the freeze/slow attributes
X, Linker, Ele C3.
All kinds of crap that can end on Ele C3.
A lot of this was toyed with in the ICBT’s back when Magic Missile was a weaker skill.
Although I doubt Wiz C3, Ele C3 wouldn’t be a thing even if it quick casts attribute was nerfed simply because Surespell and Quick cast (even unattributed) are practical skills, and are of use in PvP to get your abilities off.

Am I misreading that or doesn’t it simply mean that they’re getting our Steady Aim, Frost Cloud etc changes as opposed to our changes being reverted?

I read it as ‘Some things from one side will be applied, some things from the other will be applied.’

From the looks of that, their stuff comes to us and not the other way around.

Yes, updates. But iTOS skill changes are newer than their kTOS versions.

I always believe that both sides are at fault. The community fault is obvious, but the game is also at fault

  • High level maps are deserted, with low spawn —> you want to group mobs up
  • Few skill rotations --> you want to group mobs up
  • Swordman DPS is low --> you don’t want swordman DPS in party

But oh well, let’s hope it gets better with the “mega balance patch” they promise

Shall we bet, Atari-san? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I didn’t notice the world map changed until I logged in and saw that there were Red icons.
Representative of world boss locations?
Also damn Ausrine is quiet.

My bet is:


[quote=“Altariel, post:8409, topic:125464”]
For some, their skills had become way too effective than was originally intended.

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I find it more likely some skills will be rebalanced, including ones that are nerfed in iToS, to a healthier middle ground.

all i fear is KTOS will still get better balanced since they dont want to lose their little player base [skyline,cyclone,steady aim,linker etc:]

but we ITOS will still get this ■■■■

I want to believe this not gonna happend but since its IMC i just dont know

Currently is QS running shot nerfed(Corrected) in Ktos where the additional damage doesn’t crit? Can anyone verify this? :neutral_face:

yeah yeah you are so cool

hmm anyone can tell me if DoV in kTOS also requires switching weapons in order to gain the ASPD boost?

kToS balance updates are in the update, they appear to be all the skill changes we had on iToS since the beginning.

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O.o what update u mean the update for kTOS today?.. so their skyliner will get nerf too? lol

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