Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

You’ll have to start a movement for Falconers :stuck_out_tongue:

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In KTOS community, many people are embarrassed and anxious about skill balancing

They think some skills will nerf such as Steady aim, Skyliner, Magic arrow, because according to latest patch note, some skills are now so imbalanced

And last week, IMC announced Q&A stating that KTOS repository and ITOS repository will be merged

So many KTOS players are concerning that KTOS skills and ITOS skills become same

What do you think about that?

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I hope they don’t get our version of Skyliner, Steady Aim, etc. That would just suck for everyone. There’s definitely a healthy middleground here, it doesn’t have to be completely one or the other. For example Steady Aim did not need the huge nerfs it got, to both uptime and damage amount, IMO. Quick cast is still 50% damage increase with 100% uptime after all, and Skyliner was like, the only good skill in swordsman tree.

Yeah I hope QC get some nerf, like 20-30% damage. And we get to keep skyliner, it’s like the only spammable DPS skill in swordman tree

How’s Sadhu on KToS? Anyone??

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Hopefully they overhaul the Scout cls.

KToS’ Skyliner is a literal cancer to class variety though, to the point I would say it’s worst that WizC3->EleC3.
We have seen video after video of Swordsmans with way too many free skill points because Crosscut->Skyliner, or heck just spamming Skyliner, is just ‘‘better’’ than using the skill combos Swordsman has at it’s disposal and results in no one trying out said combos due to how mindless Skyliner is.
This is literally the reason so much people go ‘‘Wait, what!?’’ when they see videos of Fencer bursting out loads of damage, when the setup is so easy to figure out I noticed it the moment I saw Fencer’s skills. Yes it’s harder to pull out compared to Quick Cast and Steady Aim, but it exists.

I’d prefer them to reach a middle ground between KToS’ Steady Aim and IToS’, remember that this skill has to be balanced with Archer classes in mind, by example an Archer with RangerC3->MostClasses should have an skill rotation in which they have no reason to ever stop throwing them out as far as they have SP thanks to their cooldowns unlike WizC3->WhateverWithDamage due to Wizard’s cooldowns.
Granted the latter gets easier to manage the more ranks you have, but so does for Archer’s damage output.

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lol, ktos getting mad at the damn westerners version ■■■■■■■ up their game


I really hope they’ll fix those damn sadhu bugs…

I feel like this is the situation in iTOS as well, especially with the people crying about how no Swordsman path is viable.

Actually people cry about how you have to take pelt to be viable. Even that fencer path need pelt.

Translating item 3 in the link since some may find it interesting:

"3. 서버 통합과 함께 일부 직업간 밸런스가 변경됩니다.

한국에서 가장 먼저 서비스가 시작된 TOS는 현재 여러 나라 각국에서 서비스가 되고 있습니다.
처음 서비스가 시작된 한국의 경우 일부 직업간 밸런스에 문제가 되고 있고
일부 직업, 스킬의 경우 원래의 기획의도보다 더 높은 효율을 보이는 문제가 있었는데요,
장시간 신중히 내부 검토를 진행한 결과, 더 늦기 전에 바로 잡는 것이 장기적으로 올바른 서비스 방향이 될 것으로 판단되어
서버 통합과 함께 수정을 결정하였습니다.

자세한 내용은 7월 14일(목) 홈페이지 공지사항을 통해 다시 안내드릴 예정이며
앞으로도 구원자님의 목소리에 귀 기울이는 TOS가 되겠습니다."

A few classes will be balanced simultaneously with the server merge.

The TOS that started in Korea is now in service in various other countries. When TOS first started in Korea, there were balance problems with a few of the classes. For some, their skills had become way too effective than was originally intended. We had a long discussion within our committee, and decided that before it becomes too late, we will aim for long term proper service and carry out the balance fixes along with the server merge.

The details will be released on the homepage on July 14 (Thursday). From now on this will be a TOS that listens carefully to its players.

Basically stay tuned for July 14 when all hell breaks loose on this forum.


This is mainly a comunity thinking deal, I know an admitedly bothersomely high ammount of Swordsmans that don’t have Peltasta and are happy with it outside of the fact that way too much people are literal classists and won’t let you enter their party if you don’t have Peltasta. The game doesn’t have the fault that the comunity members are assholes.


For the record: The chances of them nerfing anything heavily outside of PvP is simply not going to happen, they’re too afraid to lose people on the korean version.

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The issue here is end game doesn’t have leveling options.

I made a Sword 2 - Hop 3 as my alt and so far it’s actually fun to use and I can become a tank with DPS skills as filler in Siaulai bosses, world bosses, and sometimes in dungeons simply by anti knockback, Pardoner’s Aspersion and self buffs. Now, mission doesn’t give much EXP from level 210, dungeons from 200 are terrible to queue and less reward for more efforts. Questing is suck too except for refreshing after grinding hours or stocking EXP cards post level 280. Only grinding is viable which only Peltasta was needed for it…

Every build was dedicated for specific leveling option and when grinding is the only option, hundred builds become punished… What if questing is the only option like in CBT? Unless they are not taking Krivis in their overall build, Krivis is the only Cleric option for rank 2 in CBT with the stupid leveling restriction…

If i recall correctly sadhu on Ktos is the same as Itos except without the Astral Body Explosion Aoe Ration nerf that Itos got.


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ABE has higher skill damage on Ktos.

Yeah…by a little…which is pretty nice. But Sadhu just needs some OoB Buff and some QoL changes