Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Lets hope they continue their trend of accuracy!
As someone who’s a Fencer IRL I can tell you that the Fencer class is EXTREMELY accurate…


Does anyone have a video of just how big of an increase did the ktos give on the hitbox of swordies?

Ahem well, let’s be honest here more often than not people don’t even know Rapiers even have an edge so let’s keep expectations under the realm of reality, shall we now?
Hell this game is already blaspheming on that via making Rapiers weigh less and be more fragile than the regular one handed swords (at least put an attack range up 2 or something there I dunno), that’s some basic ass mistakes right there. We all knew what to expect and you know it.

Any pics on the classes’ symbol yet? From the Korean forum or datamine, I mean.
Interested to know the Cleric’s colors.
If they’re Green, going to slow down my char at rank 6. :grin:
But from the name, Inquisitor and Daoist seems to be Red classes.

Hackapell symbol is out there for quite a while, unless they change on realese will probably be this one:

Im not even a swordy player and i don’t understand why they did that.

Uhhuh… So it supposed to work like this then?


I hope so :heart:, it would be Magic Arrow 2.0. But from the skills names already out its probably not going to happen :cry:

Well they cant make everything 100% accurate i guess…

Well… not all do…
I own several without an edge and only a tip…

Not sure why but the first thing come in my mind about the symbol is arbalest.
Hackapell probably can get riding attribute…
Instead of pets, why not a big arbalest. :sunglasses:

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Well because you’re probably correct :sunglasses:

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Well, you know what I was going for with that statement.
Personally I prefer with edge, versatility and all ya know, chances are you won’t be using it all that much but if I ever get enough money to actually buy one I may as well take a good one I like, and that’s money as you would know.

And come on you have a 3DS FE based sprite as an icon, you should know reality expectation for these things in a videogame have to begin low.

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As someone who’s a fencer IRL I find epee too cumbersome, and the target area for foil ridiculous. C3 fencer better get an attribute to use sabers.

Well I never said it was high… i just said that at least one class (and quite a few others) are hella accurate.

I love the range of a Foil actually, what i don’t like is the lack of edges and the difficulty it gives when trying to follow up after a successful block from a Katakana or Longsword…
(but this is why I use a dagger offhand in competitions that allow such)
And I dont really find the Epee slow… but I find the guard on an Epee very annoying to deal with.
Sabers are undoubtedly the best IMO, but Rapier is a general term for all 3 so idk about a Saber attribute.

However, In my weaponry class (where just about anything goes) I use a custom slim sword… because its like the best of all 3 worlds of a Rapier… >_>

Take highlander 1, as someone who went Pelt 3 already, Pelt 2 is bad for your damage.

Umbo/Rim have pretty weak scaling, and while High Guard attribute makes them hit harder, it destroys your damage everywhere else so overall I’d say it reduces your damage.

So yeah, take Cartar.

I’m not criticizing the length of a foil, but the idea that only hits to the torso count and not to the arms or head. I’ve very much moved away from sports fencing to classical fencing, which is the context I’m using when considering a saber to be very different from a rapier, which could be double edged or have no edge, while a saber is always single edged with a distinct curvature, unlike a modern sporting saber which bears no real resemblance in aesthetic or function.

Dat seems legit lol. In before hackapells be like “I am the bone of my sword…”. :joy:

i don’t see why rapiers are even a separate weapon. there are clubs with the pierce attack on, why couldn’t they just release swords with it too…

Patch note preview this week:

  1. Server integration
  2. From now on, scheduled maintenance will be conducted every two weeks
  3. Skill balancing
  4. New event

It looks like there will be a HUGE class balancing this week, before Rank 8 is eventually implemented. May I anticipate some nerf to Fletcher and some buff to poor Falconer?