Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

New Wizard (male) “Bunny” costume:

And Archer (female) “Raccoon” costume:


Ohhhh, hey a proper not so much skin costume… I might get the racoon one :stuck_out_tongue:

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what’s with having sleeveless cuffs.

so when will we start getting info on rank8 stuff?
Feeling like parking my character @ 220 and waiting before making my next class up decision and just start an alt.

Quite Soon.™


Gweny is such a teaser. Bad, bad Gweny! :cry:


Blizzard Soon™ or Valve Time ?

it will be...

IOBT Soon™


Oh my gosh, poor Archer… Why are you doing this to me, IMC? Where are the most anticipated Pp* and Ap*****? Why do ****** get the new hidden class again!? Oh no…

(just trying to not spoil everything and to keep them fresh and mysterious… but I knew it :sob:)


New hidden class? What?

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New crafting recipes are available in game too.

  • Recipe - Artie Snake Rod
  • Recipe - Vienie Revolver
  • Recipe - Didel Tower Shield
  • Recipe - Enhanced Vista Cannon

There was some new hats added to the Battle League Points Shop too.

  • Nesting Chicken [ 3,500 Pts]
  • Bride Coronet [ 3,500 Pts]
  • Outdoor Hat [ 3,500 Pts] - (KR:나들이용 모자)
  • Maid Head Decoration [ 3,500 Pts] - (KR: 메이드 머리 장식)

let me guess. swordman? ahaha!:grin:

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how much TP does it cost?

It’s 129 TP like all other costumes


This is not final though.
pls don’t quote…

m _ _ _ _ l _ o
_ a _ c _ _

_ n _ _ a _ _ _ r
_ _ g _

_ e _ g _ _
h_ _k _ p e _ _ (sorry on this my mistake -.-)

_ _ q _ _ s _ t _ _
_ _ o _ _ i

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You forgot to add the ‘extra’ one (a _ _ _ _ ), but what exactly it is, is to everyones guess.


Regarding the sapper change to Stake Stockade, is the trap visually a wider trap now? ( Or just a hitbox alteration )

No idea what the last 3 are.
Also, is this speculation or they released info?

I don’t know why they add

Miko master and Kanu master (might be Kannushi) npc xac
3 hidden class for rank8 may be?
Oh forgot another one
Mer master (ok mergen for archer)


No, this is not speculation but it is not official too so everything might be change…

Have no idea about the 2º archer class and the extra one…

where’s pied? so sad