Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

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I wish we had cards like in RO, but this seems nice ^^
We just have 3 slots for each character?

You have card slots * amount of class rank slots, so currently you can have 7.

Soon on iTOS !
(For Christmas)

What about one star card?

I’m not 100% certain, it was a rough translation and going back through it, it seems like it resets the star level to 1 upon removal.

@Gwenyth will probably have a much better translation.

Curious to see if the cards affect your stats/skills or if it’s just visual effects.

They affect your stats. Glackumon’s card grants physical defense for 10 seconds upon the use of an HP potion, for example.

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where to find info on those stats and bonus for each boss card? I cant read korean :frowning:

Wonder if there’s list on known effect. Any links/discussions?

calm down first i guess

the patch not even hit ktos (patch will come with changelog on thursday)

Te cooldown situation is particualrly bad in Highlander uh, given the severe overshadowness on their skills because of Skyliner.
Hm… does Crossguard need better scaling?
Maybe a x2 STR compared to the x1 STR of the original formula, even if I personally I find it fairly fine as it isn’t suposed to be as good as a Peltasta blocking.

They haven’t mentioned how many stars you will lose when removing them. :stuck_out_tongue:

※ Things are subject to change

Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality.

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I think they may be removing all existing cards when the change goes live.

Seemingly only main quest ones.

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There is an answer by the way:

And I already had a little debate about its meaning.

And it wasn’t implemented today. Yes, “future patch” != “next patch” :confused:

I’m pretty sure they’re talking that the Monster cards rewarded by quests will no longer be done.

Ergo the Throne weaver monster card you get way back at level 30, will no longer be recieved.

It would be stupid to delete them since some users have already invested into them.

Hopefully they’re then planning to make all of these guys Field bosses.

Invested what? They could only invest cards from quests / dungeon bosses / field bosses.

Cards are officially untradable and what players are doing is:

  • Giving someone talts.
  • Playing a card battle and hopefully getting the card / Getting scammed.

This is not intended anyway.