Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

why don’t they make quest boss cards different from field boss cards
say, quest boss cards has only 1/10 of the effect of the corresponding field boss cards

that would be nice to encourage people to do quest early on and speed up their process

Probably because some of those quest cards doesn’t have any field/dungeon boss equivalent?

So by that, it probably means that they only made the stat for the field/dungeon boss cards for now.

They invested cards into them, to level them.
Which you should know full well is quite time consuming to do on your own.
For instance in Itos I use temple shooters, but in Ktos my Sorcerer there has a Throneweaver Lvl 7,
It wouldn’t make sense for that card to simply disappear, and I doubt they’re planning to do so. Throne weaver was a popular card players used until they got their TS.

Now based on what was read, they plan it so that the two throne weaver bosses you meet in the early game will simply not give cards, as it’ll be removed from the quest rewards and likewise for all other quest boss cards.
Not that the existing cards will disappear from anyones inventory.

well, if they don’t have equivalent, then make those cards with no effects
i think it’s better than removing all of them, since some players love to collect cards even they are useless

of next year :smiling_imp:

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Time will tell :smirk:.

Well, they might use those non-existent card to test things.

Case in point, the two cards shown here? Gaigalas and Golem, neither have cards in iToS.

hope i can finnally find a use for my 10+ firelord cards ;/

So uhm… how well are the Swordsmen in kTOS doing with the recent buff?


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Still a ground placement effect tho.

Its a lot smoother in general.
Sometimes you escape CC you were late to pick up on because of the new resistances.

1.3x physical attack per strength is pretty good since it means 1 Str = 1.3 damage which then if you hit something weak to your damage type turns into 1.95 damage, then there’s other modifiers on skills which may take that higher, and there’s critical hits, and there’s attributes.
So to put it another way its small but there’s a lot of things that make it into a bigger effect.

But I really only log on my Cata to do number tests, otherwise I’m on my Sorc, Bokor or Hunter because I’m a masochist.

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As a 280 Hop2-Pirate3 on Fedimian, I enjoy it every time, lol. Can also jump away, cuz most of those non-swordsmen are scary.

Maybe with the psychokino nerf some Guild Battle slots for Corsairs3 will be open once it hits iToS.

As far as Kino nerf goes, I believe the class is specifically for initiation now (and still best for it), Gravity Pole nerf took away most of the range.

No need to buff PSY, as now I activated Sharingan
Secret Move!! Moon Walk GP!! (lol that visual glitch)

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holy cow moonwalk GP

so stronk :smile_cat:

Hey folks,

i saw this on a blog today, since my korean is … “rusty”, can someone who’s playing on ktos explain to me what it is ?

the emote-like number above their head, is that some kind of dps calculator ? an add-on ? i did see anything related on the previous patch, so i was wondering if i just missed it

here’s a video at the end of the post with the sauce ->

It is the same as field boss/world boss dps ranking it’s apply to dungeon and mission too.

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Yes. This is dps ranking - who deals the most dmg on boss

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i’m really sad that their version is not up to date :frowning: