Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

You are my hero!!!



Great this forum can embed Soundcloud.

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“The Die is Cast”

Now I get why I always liked it so much :blush:

even the tittle fits me well…

not sure about Tekknobonk, I guess it isn’t my style…

also, is it me or Run Run Run sounds like it belongs in a turok game :sunglasses:

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Tekknobonk is perfect for grinding with party. I love that bass so much

Forever Alone Psycho

a lot


anyone who play on ktos
can you test barbarian cleave debuff
is its improve the damage of cleave itself or only after landing the cleave?

i hope its work the same way as desolator in dota 2


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too bad just hope its improve first cleave damage too

thankyou for the answer

guys sorry if i am wrong asking here
Is Thauma3 and Linker3 worth it?
i am thinking on making a support char

Hello friends,

GM Bluedaisy & Baobab have conducted more skill tests,
the purpose of this test is to find out :

'What skills can be used whilst using Rogue’s [Burrow] skill ? ’

You can read more about this ; (Here (Kr)) <<

For the results collected, i have included them on a new tab on the Skill Interaction document i have made some time ago. If you wish to see the results of this, please visit this link : ToS - Skill Interactions <<

It’s a question that’s best asked in the class and rank section of the forums.


Given it applies the debuff on-hit it’d make no sense for it to benefit said hit.
Do note that this is great for DoppelsoeldnerC2, though.

Guinea pig on Ktos can be mounted by any class, no ?

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All player can ride any mount on kTOS.


Oh, I see. I didn’t know they patched it with penguin, thanks for the infos!

Even the two bought from npc with silver can be mounted too? that sounds nice

I’m having the same question since I didn’t saw any others classes on those mount than the one can only ride them. So far I only saw for guinea pig and penguin.

Im sure this question has been asked 100 times. but how far behind is ITOS from KTOS?

iTOS are far far behind in these
Game play

Cash shop.

Bug fixed, graphic changed are most likely the same
Also iTOS will get new rendering performance boost before kTOS.


I wouldn’t put much money on the bonus to stuned enemies given it only applies in one git due to them getting un-stuned after being hit as far as I know.

The Cyclone/Rush thing would end up to preference, given that Cyclone should be superior AoE wise even with the lower damage until Lv7 and I think more hits overall? Don’t quote me on that one.
I was refering to the Doppelsoeldner C2 skills specifically really, as they should be capable of dishing out some really high damage with ease with that debuff on top of the extra 50 temporal points into crit chance which is never a bad thing.

Imma wait for DoppelsoeldnerC3 to be out to reach a final judement on the Cyclone vs Rush thing, point allocation and all that.