Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

@fitzfeliz, @arkgolf

do you have a source?

I just tried mounting a velgreenmush and it was telling me i need the ability. I know that anyone can ride the premium mounts, but i’m seeing a conflict with the regular silver ones.


wait… so only the cash shop penguin is “all classes” rideable?

Because as far as i know, they even changed the attribute description to “can enter battle while mounted” or something like that D:

Only Lesser Panda & Penguin.

That was mentioned on 19/05 patch, when lesser panda box was added to the Battle League Points Store, only applying to it of course.

I asked my friend though he’s told me that, I will asking him again.

So even the guinea pig can’t be mounted by non-mounted classes? That’s kindof lame given their rarity.

thanks, i hope it’s not just a bug because of my broken text client.
( like the self-party creation bug impossible with partial en client on kr server)

i’m not sure about that one, so i have nothing to say about it. :open_mouth:

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Leave that aside for now my friend is not get up yet.

this 914 magic attack circle rod is not a joke.


On itos you can’t mount guinea pigs unless cata/SR

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I need to know… Which World Boss? :open_mouth:

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The penguin costs almost 250 TP, i think i’d rather buy myself some more costumes.
I’m not a fan of pets at the moment, they almost get in the way more than Grita. :confused:


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be the not useless mount rider, the sr

yknow, the one that actually was used to beat earth tower

not lame melee mount

they always shoot the messenger

This is some interesting stuff to see how high the damage goes at this stage. Seems to be stage two Transcendence, with a bonus of 30% attack power. What a process it must be, to reach stage ten and get 550% attack power.

You do know the main asset of that party was the crazy sinergy between the Goddess Ausrine Statue and Mesltis, right?
The weird-ass sinergy between running shot and Melstis is a case of IMC taking the short route in a skill via making it a buff instead of an action like Rush/Cyclone/Puncing, I also think that in that video the SR does normal attacks alongside Running Shot, which should NOT happen but it seems that Melstis prevents Runing Shot from being removed as it should upong doing a normal attack.

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melstis ausrine battery for the cannon

I wonder how much into Rank8 it’s going to be to get hold of a dungeon that makes getting crystal framents for trascendence easier.