Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

There might be a forum meta, but I don’t think there is a game meta yet. Since it’s so difficult to change our playstyles at earth tower we don’t have a good way to compare various builds outside of theory crafting.

And y’know, meta implies we know what works, and we clearly haven’t figured that out yet.


Sadly even with that 0cd skyliner highlander/doppel is still not tier 1 ET material

CC is vital for ET, as always

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What are basing optimal off of?
The number of popular builds in a team?
Or if there’s a crafting/templar class in the team?

Well, ‘‘optimal’’ is basically everything you need or that have ridiculous combos (like KrivisC3 alongside DievdirbysC3) etcetc.
But time and time again we have seen people just trow that out of the window via dying in the first 5 floors even with said builds or even people getting to the 15nt floor with members like an SquireC3, which is regarded as ‘‘Useless’’ for ET.

Really, ET is down to ‘‘Have a competent build and be good at the game, buy some Barrier Scrolls for good measure’’.

Well, we will, with time. I think in KR +15 items are more common than here (due to higher silver drop)

And you can advance in ET with tier 1-3 classes, only trash tier have problems.

If I remember correctly, highlander/doppel is tier 2 in KR, which is still pretty good

Toy hammer changed is real :frowning:


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Hit count for explosion effect?

Yep right now it doesn’t count additional property damage line.

Oooooh … thnx!!!


Rest In Pepperonis toy hammer :cross:

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It looks like a self buff. Does it count faster if you hit multiple targets with each swing?

No it is a debuff on monster it will explode every 10th stack

this is old version (current iTOS toy hammer)

a bit hard to see but look closely to debuff stack every attack it’s goes up 3 stack because it’s count all damage line so it will explode every 3-4 attack

but with currently kTOS made changed to it now it need real 10 attack to make 10th stack explode.

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I just discovered that there are 14 new BGMs added on last week’s patch. I am not sure if these soundtracks are for the new maps coming along with Rank 8, or for the extant instanced dungeons (the Weekly Q&A mentioned that all dungeons’ musics will be changed).

Here’s the list of all new 14 BGMs:

SoundTeMP - Exotica
SFA - La Valle della Morte (this one has 13:49 duration, epic!)
SFA - Hunter Green
Kevin - Victor Quest
Kevin - Stance on a While
Kevin - Run Run Run
Kevin - Red Warrior
Kevin - Peripeteia
Kevin - Defiance
Kevin - Crush or Nothing
Kevin - Cordis
Kevin - Black Flag
Gaudium - Undercover
Gaudium - Tekknobonk

Edit: For those who love this game’s music as I do, you can listen to all these new soundtracks here.


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aw , thank you so much xD , now i dont have to turn on my music play list whenever i go dungeon

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I like Hunter Green the most.

Hearing some of this music makes me want to make a new character, and revisit all the dungeons once just to play through them with the new music.

Though I’d love all of these songs on the new maps. Can’t wait to see them.


I’ve also added the new BGMs (minus La Valle Della Morte and Hunter Green since I already obtained them through an early unreleased build) on my SoundCloud which features the most complete playlist of Tree of Savior BGMs.

The new BGMs start at #143.