Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

D: how evil of you sending him to RO2 instead of something more pleasant like hell :scream:


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full con makes me puke.
All the means of mitigation and stat distribution in this game and you want to spend it on making yourself full Con.
Maybe cus I play FFXIV. The idea of players prioritizing health when theyre not dying over dps would just get you laughed out and kicked out of any remotely serious party.

Well this isnā€™t FFXIV. In ToS, even as full CON you STILL donā€™t have enough mitigation for ET mobs.

This isnā€™t like WAR in FFXIV, you donā€™t go tank and damage, you go tank or damage. Hybrid tanks fall off for any real content. The minimal amount of STR/DEX you get over the required amount of CON needed, just makes it not worth getting DPS at all. 550% attack power on a weapon only lets you hold aggro better if your a tank with a weapon thatā€™s ascended 10 times.

But in the end, you donā€™t need a tank for anything at all.


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Hybrid tanks? Wot? For what

Clerics have the majority of the teams damage mitigation. Your Health buffer is basically just an inbetween when skills are down.
Both Highlander and Peltasta get Blocking abilities to handle physical damage. Highlanders even roots and gives bonus pierce damage.
Rodel still gives block if you ended up going Sword C2 instead of Pel/High, and then Fencer again has damage mitigation. Then Swordsmen have naturally higher phys def.
Pretty much the main ā€œworryā€ of this game is unevadable magic damage, which is typically magic missile or some kind of auto attack. These should be handled with abilities.

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I meant evade in terms of the dodge stat, and physically moving out out of a moves hitbox.

To point out that to deal with heat-seeking magic abilities you want to use abilities (like slithering) since your stats arenā€™t suited to dealing with it in the first place.

Thereā€™s something about the Transcendence calculation that confuses me.

In this screenshot we can see the final Magical Attack of Superior Corona Rod is 649.

[267 (the original attack of this Rod) + 171 (Anvil Enhancement)] * 1.1 (1st Stage Transcendence) + 112 (Weapon Maintenance)

The Magical Attack should have been 594, instead of 649. Is there something that I missed in the multiplier?

Just my guess may be this skill

Increase (or decrease) base stat like this one
superior corona rod with 283 base

But even I using highest value which is increase 9.5% of item base stat
((((267+9.5%) + 171) * 1.1) +112) = 621
or even this (unlikely)
(((267+9.5%) + 171 +112 ) * 1.1) = 632.9

Something might be missing.

+15sup corona with trans lv1
714 m atk

Ah I know why!
That Superior Corona Rod is equipped with 2 6-star blue gems, which increase 50 more Magical Attack. So (267+50+171)*1.1+112=649

The calculation makes sense now!

Learn to readā€¦and stop jumping on anybody who just mentions RO. He only said that the stat system doesnā€™t seem so good in ToS and compared it to a game where he thinks the stats were betterā€¦ He didnā€™t said he want ToS to be RO. If your little whiteknight anti-RO mind canā€™t handle it then donā€™t even read the forums. There are much worse things going on on the forumsā€¦ for example your unnecessary replyā€¦

Also like it or not ToS still has more in common with RO than with any other gameā€¦


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You are just repeating a common lame responseā€¦jumping on 1 word because you didnā€™t find any betterā€¦ If you would have just a little common sense you would know it wasnā€™t the type of reply that I should just ignoreā€¦ Also you didnā€™t understand what ā€œunnecessaryā€ meant in my replyā€¦ but whatever.

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I sthis earth tower dungeon ?

Yes, itā€™s Floor 15 - Turtai Boss.

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Thanks for the reply, I was searching a video showing a bit swordman class in that dungeon since a lot are getting depressed by this class lately.

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Earth tower 11-14 (half 15)

Nice bugged at 15th floorā€¦