Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Update preview this week:

  1. The problem where Schwarzer Reiter’s Retreat Shot can be interrupted whilst using will be fixed

  2. The problem where Toy Hammer’s explosion effect does not apply will be fixed

  3. New event “Field Boss’s Attack, Protect The Village!” for 2 weeks

-On certain time, a special field boss will appear

-When the field boss dies, an event NPC will shows up, and 100 special Treasure Chests will appear on this map

-Anyone who has hit the boss at least once can get the reward and the permission to open treasure chest

It is fair to low level players too, because even a level 1 player deals 1 damage to a level 280 field boss, the damage still counts. Thus everyone can join in the event.

30 minutes after the field boss shows up, the entire server will get 30% EXP bonus and 30% bonus drop rate for 1 hour (but the 30% bonus drop rate does not apply to EXP Cards, Golden Anvil, and Cube)

4 .Cross-server Guild Battle will be implemented.
-It will be a Beta version which does not give reward
-The strongest guild will get reward in the future

5 . 1:1 Trade System will be changed
6 . Skill balancing and bug fixes


Hopefully not delayed another week ~
Let us pray to the goddess for a fortunate maintenance.

It’s nice to see kTOS get the iTOS trade type too.

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Yep hopefully it will work without any issues :smile:

aww , i hope this kind of event come to itos soon :anguished:


Anyone here know how to get that Hamster Companion? i Can’t find in any web.

It is a guild exclusive companion

Here all link related to guinea pig companion (only available for kTOS as of now)
How to get & how to raise and feed

Sub link how to get

in short how to get
you have to clear guild mission: wizard tower

after completed this guild mission your guild might(will?) get a guinea pig companion egg as a reward then guild master have to click retrieve at guild property manager tab then it will directly send to guild member mail. (If I understand it correctly.) (might be send to all guild member who had completed that guild mission)


@arkgolf thank you very much!! i have to bookmark this for future reference.

@Gwenyth Hey there, Possible to translate the following, i’m really eager to know, google translate was very confusing. Thanks in advance

[소드맨 계열 공통]

  • 대쉬(달리기) 중에는 상태 이상 저항 확률이 30% 증가합니다.
  • 힘 스탯으로 증가되는 공격력의 효율이 30% 증가합니다.

Although I am not Gwenyth, I can help you. XD

[All Swordsman Series Classes]

  • Increase harmful debuff resistance by 30% when dashing (running)
  • STR state gives 30% bonus physical attack

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Thanks alot, however still confusing as in lets say i have 100 str, does that means i get 30 PA from this buff.


  • 후퇴 사격: 후퇴 사격 중 기본 공격 시, 기본 공격만 나가도록 변경됩니다.

Translate this? Pls _

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Patch Notes Available: 26/05/2016

Costume Gallery Updated: Gallery

  • 2 New Hairstyles Available. + Red, Black Eye Lenses

OBT -> Present Skill balancing Updated : OBT - Present Changes


God of translate
We love you <3

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I was going to record the new keyboard ‘ground circle’ target speed we can change, but the server has gone into emergency maintenance for ~30Minutes to fix a bug with Sacrament in Pardoner’s shop. The announcement can be found Here.

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“Whilst sprinting, you now also gain a 30% Resistance to negative status ailments”.

“Pain Barrier: For the duration of the buff, Resistance rate against abnormal status effects will be increased by 20%”.

So… 50% at total?


- Skyliner: Skills animation time has been decreased, and can also now be canceled.”

0 cooldown with slower animation. I think it’s fair enough.

  1. The debris has changed when hitting [Ice Wall] with a [Gust] Skill.

what :confused:

To quote myself from reddit:

For those who cares, the 30% more attack from STR means you’re looking anywhere between:
About 4 attack more on a rank 7, 0 STR investment and no STR from gear Swordsman.
To about 200 more attack on the same rank 7, but full STR on gear and stat investment.
Will it make DPS Swordsman on par with Wizard/Archer? Ehhh, doubt it, but it’s something.