Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

How many ranks there will be on this game?

We don’t know for sure. 8 or 10 or 11 are the guesses. I can’t rly believe it stops at 8 but who knows…

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Not like they don’t plan to keep adding classes as time goes on really, content is what keeps games alive; unlimited class works.

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Is there any more info about the skill balancing?

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Or we could like, take a boat somewhere else and avoid overcomplicated stuff.
The… Featherfoot Kaster was it? Mention being from somewhere else but Medzio Diena also affected other places on it’s own way.

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Australia has quite the number of freak ass ■■■■, that’d make for an expansion alright.

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Can’t wait for a panto archer mounted on a platipus.

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Patch note is out.

Here’s the most anticipated new TP companion!


Hello new weave hair!

Abit sad that the 30% bonus exp was on maps under lvl 100. :confused: and -eh- skill balancing


Token and tome exp buff (30%) only works at maps under lv100?
I was saving tokens and exp tomes for higher lvls :sweat:

Can I transfer these itens using team storage?

I don’t mean that, earlier this week on the teaser they mentioned they would increase the exp from monsters on some maps, they have appeared in the notes today:

  1. Experience gained from monsters has been increased by 30% In the following maps:
    -Tenet Church Basement 1F
    -Tenet Church 1F
    -Nevellet Quarry 1F
    -Nevellet Quarry 2F
    -Novaha Assembly Hall
    -Royal Mausoleum 1F
    -Royal Mausoleum 2F
    -Baron Allerno
    -Royal Mausoleum Storage
    -Delmore Manor
    -Delmore Outskirts
    -Feretory Hills
    -Mochia Forest

Edit: I want one.


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About the skill balancing, all of these changes which have been done so far in my opinion are so minor and mediocre. If you intend to rescue a class, especially a DPS, just increase its skill damage to some extent or shorten skill cool down. That is the most brainless, stupid, yet effective way to do the balancing work.

IMC, however, give Falconer some mediocre debuff with low rate and short duration, on the other hand the damage is still pathetically low and CD is insufferably long. As a Falconer C2, I do not feel any improvement at all.

And let’s not just whine about Falconer. What about other classes? These changes and balancing are so minor that I wonder if any class that has been touched recently does feel any solid uplifting. Although it is not “nothing”, it’s not “something” either. Besides, there are still many classes that need help, but it seems this balancing wave is coming to an end.


Monks finally got their late Knockback removal attribute tho. At least some people are happy.

I feel sorry for Falconers tho. I’m not sure about Featherfoot changes.

Just a change so that other players debuffs don’t trigger the kurdaitcha for double damage hits. To be honest, i don’t think this skill is that good, for 3% chance. ( this will be like my 10th time trying to post this because the forums are lag/buggy)

agree on your post, the most substantial changes recently i’d say would go to monks, and then pvp specific changes.

It seems as though the approach is like they have finished baking a cake and want to add the little sprinkles / decorations on top to improve it, yet they didn’t realize that some classes aren’t even a baked cake - they are still flour in the cupboard somewhere.

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