Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

[quote=“EternalDream, post:6969, topic:125464, full:true”]

So you get more exp if you’re 13 levels below a map’s level. Neat, I guess?
[/quote]Wait a tic - 13 maps or 13 levels?

[quote=“thebloodyaugust, post:6985, topic:125464, full:true”]
uh… sorry to tell you this but copy right infringement is a thing. So peco peco will not be a thing, instead we get a sweet ass lama.
[/quote]Clerics are pets now? :joy:


13 Maps.
13개 지역 = 13 quantity ( 게 is like a counter of quantity for some object after a number ) , 지역 = map

also, the supposed costume model for the spring costume sets ( from dcinside)
(click for full view)


Yayyy finally the costumes x.x thanks~
Omg… Now I want to make a female character :dizzy_face:

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Spring costume cute AF though especially cleric F.

More buffs to Nuoridian falls you say?

Might this be the new TP companion!? :smirk:


[quote=“arkgolf, post:6989, topic:125464, full:true”]
Spring costume cute AF though especially cleric F.
[/quote]It seriously screams spring at you.
Although all of the F costumes are pretty much riddled with flowers.

I want all these costumes for my female wizard :frowning:

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Cute costumes, cutecutecute~♪

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I think a cash shop pet should automatically give a char slot…or do you think it is ok if we want a mount we have to buy both? dunno… I don’t even know the prices to judge it.

But I’m curious if it is like that if you don’t have slot you can’t buy it.

@tomgo32000 Oh wow. It looks a bit weird but I still love it. XD

It says it comes as a egg (so a item) you have to use to obtain the pet. So i would guess the slot is not included.

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I see. I hope it is not too much together.

Yes, the note says you must have one vacant slot for the companion if you want to buy it. (Sorry I omitted this part from the translation because I thought it was not important XD)

And by the way, the new TP companion is on special discount and it costs 248 TP.

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What’s the max level in ktos?


Is it true that AoE Def Ratio cannot go below 1 anymore? i.e. Circling?

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i’ve saw on different sources that there will be 4 premium pets

i won’t track the sources back, since they just showed up on my facebook’s feed >.> and then my comment has no credibility either haha

but maybe someone else will link it to another site or something


Oh… the Alpaca looks much cuter like this X)

Images pulled from here (same sauce I used in an earlier thread)