Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

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I’d rather they create a meme version of all classes then gradually adjust them back, than leaving the class to eat the dust.


i want is so freaking bad D:
i’ll name it gunther <3
or prinny
or dood

omg G_G


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why the hell this mount is so ugly …

What are the new companion stats?
Does it have more HP than Velheider for Cataphract mounting?

Looks like companions are getting a 30% exp buff.
Bout time.

let’s start p2w rage shall we?

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cool down bro, dont take my sarcasm too serious

So basically low lvl dungeons got a xp increase.

Well, considering being insanely overly serius to the minial cashshop thing and claiming ‘‘P2W’’ has been all the rage nowadays outside of this topic that has managed to keep itself civiliced and calm sans a discussion or two I can’t really blame him

So on the pet thinh, yeah what are the stants on the thing if any?

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On that note do we have any idea how this things stats compare to the current pets?

12% of its evasion and 8% of its evasion you say. :persevere: :joy:

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Yea i was just curious if the dethroned one as best in x stat or if its some where in the middle, but guess ill have to wait for that info.

I was refering to the % ones yeah, those are the ones that matter at the end of it anyways.

Thank you sir!


top stats;
HP = Velheider (185)
SP = Vel / Penguin (339
STR = Penguin (28)
CON = Vel/Pen (27)
INT = All Tied ( 7)
SPR = Vel / Penguin (6)
DEX = Penguin (24)
DEF = All Tied (45)
MDEF = Vel / Peng (51)
ATK = Penguin (71~82)
MATK = All Tied
Acc. = Penguin (64)
Eva. = Penguin (64)