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please be a peco peco mount



YES! I rly hoped they won’t miss that oppurtunity.
I hope it will be the alpaca. At least someone said once there was an Alpaca pet in the files too.

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I’m confused on the “Premium Companion” mount since it states “Ride is disabled during battle”.

Does this mean when a mob hits us, we are forced to walk? This gonna be annoying for a lot of maps ;A;

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Good to know. I wanted it to be something like that but…we will have to see if it is executed well.

Maybe it would be better if they would rather disable attacking while mounted.

This is nice I guess.

So you get more exp if you’re 13 levels below a map’s level. Neat, I guess?


Why? It’s not like any of them are hard…

THEY’RE LOW ENOUGH ALREADY. Do they WANT their maps to be devoid of monsters even when there’s 20 people needing them for quests? Jesus christ IMC.

This is fine. Better not be mob kill quests though, because, well, there’s no mobs to kill, see above.

Hooray, more changes it doesn’t seem like we’ll ever get /o/

Watch the swashbuckling fix we just got be in here. That’s not on KR yet.

TP mount, with stats? Useless stats, mind you, but stats nonetheless. This is gonna stir up some p2w drama.

google translate:
“Small / regeneration time is shorter in the medium-sized monsters are”. I think they are shortening respawn times for small monsters (probably, it is the same as medium on live)

Nope, the note says when you use skills during battle, you will dismount automatically. This is how the present mechanics works when, during mounting a companion, you use skills which can’t be used whilst mounting.

Plus I omitted the 11th patch note: Spring Costume and Hair for each type of class (Swordsman, Archer, Wizard, Cleric) will be added. (seems like the ones just added on iToS today)

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Well that’s a lot better. That means faster spawns.

Thats a relief. Thanks for clarifying.

Nope, I am sure my translation is correct.

“소형/중형 몬스터의 재생성 시간이 감소합니다”

소형 means small, 중형 means medium, 몬스터의 재생성 시간 means monsters respawning time, and 감소 means decreased.

I hope that on iToS these packages are purchasable with already bought TP from previous packs and will not require us to pay for additional DLCs to get some exclusive items that aren’t present in TP shop…

Also, “To celebrate the launch , 17% discount 248 TP to know the companion will be sold . ( Regular price 298 TP)”. IMC could get a lot of money if the companions can be somewhat tradeable (there is an egg, so its probably an item)

I see, even better \o/

No, it’s 13 maps that will have a 30% exp boost because they are usually congested. ( most likely, the popular grinding maps).

Well the way you worded it in your initial post made it sound like the rate at which the monsters respawn would be decreased. (aka, slower respawning)

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I’m think it’s mean they decrease the time need to respawn mid/small type monster.
So, basically they spawn faster


Yeah I shouldn’t have used the word “rate”. It is respawning time, not respawning rate. I have edited my original post. Sorry for the confusion. :sweat:


Thats dumb
Instead of boosting other areas to provide interest in those areas because of their low spawn rates they rather funnel the playerbase more so into the same areas?

It’s a possibility that they do apply this to other maps, I’m only assuming it’s going to be the already popular ones because they keep touching bee farm every so often. :confused:

same thought I had lol

uh… sorry to tell you this but copy right infringement is a thing. So peco peco will not be a thing, instead we get a sweet ass lama.